The city council has agreed with Real Madrid to limit concerts at the Bernabeu to 11pm.

After the last meeting that took place between City of Madrid And real Madrid It was decided that the next concerts which are programmed in Santiago Bernabeu Stadium Their duration will be limited by contract to eleven o’clock in the evening as the deadline, as reported by the Consistory.

This measure was taken for reduce disturbance to neighbors area until the Club has completed all noise control plan measures.

Rehearsal times will also be limited and the stadium door opening will be postponed.

Parallel, package of measures to improve coexistence to be presented to the monitoring table, formed from neighbors and traders.

Concerning cleaningSELUR service will be strengthened in the hours before and after the events. In addition, new operational waste collection systems will be introduced, such as placing more containers.

Real Madrid will collaborate in the protection and cleaning of the gardens of the surrounding buildings and will pay particular attention to the fans’ area.

In questions mobilitypriority parking measures will be established for residents on public roads, and parking will be made easier for residents on Rafael Salgado Street by converting blue spaces into green ones. They will also be included more places for residents in that center from Castellana.

The club activates a permanent promotion control over the sale and consumption of alcohol on public roads around the stadium.

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