The collapse of the Atlantic Current: what will be its consequences?

Great storm, sudden climate change and New York completely froze. Hollywood blockbuster movie is like this Tomorrow Described the sharp reduction of atlantic ocean circulation And its disastrous consequences.

atlantic currentatlantic current

The Atlantic Current is approaching a critical point

Although Hollywood’s view was exaggerated, the 2004 film a serious question: If global warming disrupts the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which is important for transporting heat from the tropics to northern latitudes, How sudden and severe will climate change be?

Twenty years after the film’s release, there’s a lot more we know about it Atlantic Ocean circulation, Instruments installed in the ocean since 2004 show that its circulation has probably slowed over the past two decades. At its weakest in almost a millennium, Studies also show that in the past the circulation reached a dangerous tipping point that sent it into acute e unstoppable fallAnd it may reach that tipping point again the planet is warming And glaciers and ice sheets melt.

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