The Council of Europe declared Julian Assange a “political prisoner” with the abstention of Fiji’s PP.

Julian Assange was recognized on his first trip outside Australia following his release. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe declared the WikiLeaks founder a “political prisoner” in a resolution voted on Wednesday following his hearing the previous day. The text advanced with 88 votes in favour, 13 against and 20 abstentions, including representatives of Alberto Núñez Feijoo’s PP (other members of his political family have supported the declaration).

“The Assembly finds that the disproportionately serious charges brought by the United States against Julian Assange under the Espionage Act, taken together with his conviction and sentence under the Espionage Act, place him at real risk of life imprisonment.) Justify the designation of Mr. Assange as a political prisoner,” the text said.

The resolution from the organization, which represents 46 countries on the continent, also calls on the United States to revise its espionage law so that it can no longer be used against journalists or whistleblowers. Indeed, representatives believe that 1917 rule was “misapplied” in the Assange case, leading to “a dangerous deterrent effect, discouraging editors, journalists, and whistleblowers from reporting on government misconduct.” ”

Furthermore, it calls on the country (which is an observer country of the Council of Europe) to conduct a “thorough, impartial and transparent” investigation into the war crimes and human rights violations exposed by WikiLeaks, in addition to judicial cooperation. Investigation of a complaint of espionage by the CIA during his stay at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Assange appeared before deputies this Tuesday and described his legal and personal battle over the past 14 years until he reached the agreement with US justice. “I am free not because the system has worked, but because I have declared myself guilty of doing journalism. The WikiLeaks founder said, “I have pleaded guilty to soliciting information from a source.” He admitted that he now has to “re-adapt” to living life in freedom.

He defended during his speech, saying, “I hope that my testimony today will help highlight the weaknesses of existing protection measures and help those whose cases appear to be lower, but who are just as vulnerable. ” throat and drinking water.

Assange’s visit to Strasbourg was his first departure from Australia since returning after reaching an agreement with the United States that means he cannot be sued for the harassment he suffered during these 14 years , when WikiLeaks published thousands of diplomatic cables. With relevant information that brings to light US military irregularities in Iraq and Afghanistan. There his judicial persecution began, due to which he was imprisoned for more than a decade.

(TagstoTranslate)Council(T)Europe(T)Recognitions(T)Political prisoners(T)Julian(T)Assange(T)Protest(T)PP(T)Feij

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