The dollar ran wild in the shops of Santa Ines de Barinas Parish

The dollar ran wild in the shops of the rural area of ​​Santa Ines de Barinas

This Thursday, January 4, consumers or customers of commercial establishments in Santa Inés parish, located in the lower and rural part of the municipality of Barinas, reported that they have been hung up with price adjustments based on the parallel dollar. correspondent

“It got out of hand,” said one of the affected people who spoke to, whose identity we are protecting to avoid retribution, because “in a small town, big hell.”

The pages that cite the black market dollar by which the merchants of Santa Inés will be governed mark the North American currency at 38.68 bolivars, but in wineries, grocery stores, butcher shops, and other stores, specialized Typically in the food area, they charge 40 bolivars.

“It’s a blow to the wallet,” the source said, so they will pursue the authorities, who they expect will take action to get merchants back on track, as consumers believe it is fair. The value of the dollar remained at the rate. The Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), which is at 35.94 bolivars this Thursday.

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