“The far right has never led the country to greater freedom, greater justice or greater coexistence.”

ANDIn these strange and important times, when we had European elections a few weeks ago and today, 30 June, the French started, about political news. Several players of the national team Francefocused on European Cupthey talked about it and now it’s time Jules Kounde.

Message from Kunde

There is no doubt that footballers are excellent speakers. Regardless of the importance of speaking your mind, the reality is that people listen to them. The Barça player decided to share his opinion by posting on your official social media account X. “This is an important day for France and its future. Today, voting is both a duty and a right”“,” the statement said.

This is an important day for France and its future. Today, voting is both a duty and a right.

Jules Kunde

“The strength of democracy is that every voice matters and everyone is free to express their opinion.”,Add. Kunde is frank and persistent when it comes to assessing the current situation: “For my part, I see that The far right has never led the country to greater freedom, greater justice, or coexistence. And I think it will never happen“.

The strength of democracy is that every voice counts and everyone can freely express their opinion.

Jules Kounde

ABOUT National groupfar-right party led by Marine Le PenExplain: “I see a party based on hatred of others.whose disinformation and whose words are aimed at stigmatizing and dividing us.

I see a party based on hatred of others, whose disinformation and words seek to stigmatize and divide us.

Jules Kounde

“RN is not a solution. It is not a lesson, it is just my opinion. And you will do with it what you want.”– the defense concludes its statement on its official Twitter account.

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