The Fruit That Is Actually a Nut is a Treasure for Your Health

Did you know that there is a fruit that, according to its characteristics, can be considered more like a dried fruit? This pomegranate is a nutritional gem that deserves a prominent place in your diet, and now you will find out why it is a treasure for your health. Except, Spain is a powerhouse in this regard, as it is Europe’s largest producer and a major exporter..

Various studies have demonstrated the nutritional properties and health benefits of this fruit. Its seeds are ideal for eating in your morning yogurt or salad. But the important thing is that it is part of your diet. Your body and health will thank you.

If the belief that it’s difficult to prepare is holding you back from enjoying pomegranate, the reality is that its health benefits are worth the effort. Grown in various regions such as Alicante and Murcia in Spain, this fruit is a treasure trove of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties and memory benefits.. Moreover, its sweet taste and unique texture make it an exceptional ingredient for enriching your recipes.

Nut disguised as fruit

Contrary to popular belief, pomegranate is technically a nut. This is because it does not have juicy pulp like other fruits; On the other hand, it is its seeds that give us that characteristic juiciness. Its versatility in the kitchen is enormous, from desserts to drinks to salads. And best of all, It is low in calories but has high nutritional value.. You can’t ask for more from food.

Antioxidants as the main supporter

Antioxidants are the key to pomegranate’s benefits. Its bright red color comes from polyphenols, powerful antioxidants. It is also rich in vitamin C, E, folate, potassium and vitamin K.. These nutrients strengthen our immune system and fight damage caused by free radicals. A true gem of vitamins and minerals with three times the antioxidant power of green tea or red wine.

Benefits of pomegranate

The first is cardiovascular. Garnet is an ally of the heart. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may help. lower blood pressure and prevent cholesterol accumulation in the arteries. Its potential against diseases such as osteoarthritis and prostate cancer is also being explored, although these studies are still in the preliminary stages.

Apart from its physical benefits, pomegranate can be a great support for our mental health. Research shows that may improve memory and learning, thanks to the high concentration of antioxidants and polyphenols. It is also credited with lowering blood sugar and increasing athletic endurance; It is light, digestive and cleansing; and it is even considered an aphrodisiac and an ally against diarrhea.

How to Enjoy Pomegranate to the Fullest

The first thing that can set you back is the perceived difficulty of accessing edibles. Learning how to peel a pomegranate is easier than it seems. First make a cut around the cup and remove it. Then use a knife to follow the natural grain of the fruit and separate the segments. You can use a wooden spoon to loosen the grains.. So, you can enjoy this wonderful fruit in smoothies, salads, or even on its own. You’ve probably seen images of yourself eating a pomegranate as if it were a bowl.

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