The government is managing the arrival of Xavier Miley in Bari for the G7 meeting

Miley will leave for Italy this Wednesday night

(Special Envoy to Bari, Italy) – One part from Buenos Aires and the other in Italy. Various members of the government are dedicated to organizing the President’s visit Xavier Miley The G7 was in a frenzy to finalise details of its participation at the international event, scheduled less than 24 hours before the President’s arrival.

Several changes in the agenda of the Argentine Head of State forced him to expedite protocol procedures for his visit to the Apulia region, from the election of delegation members to technical and agenda issues.

However, national authorities have already confirmed several bilateral meetings, including a surprise one with International Monetary Fund (IMF) director Kristalina Georgieva, whom Miley already met at the Davos Forum last January.

as told infobaeAlthough several options were considered, Miley ultimately decided to attend a summit of leaders of the powerful group of developed nations as well as a summit hosted by his Ukrainian counterpart. Volodymyr Zelenskyin Switzerland.

Thus, the Liberator will depart with his crew from the Aeroparque this Wednesday night and, after a stop in the Canary Islands, will land at Karol Wojtyla Airport in Bari at 7:30 p.m. the following day.

Bari has already prepared to welcome the G7 leaders (Getty)

For this reason, it is still not known whether he will be able to attend the honorary dinner of the President of Italy. Sergio Mattarellawill offer G7 members and invited leaders in the historic Swabian Castle (Castello Svevo, in Italian), an imposing fortress dating back to the 12th century and now used as a museum.

This imposing structure is located in the historic center of Bari, near the port area and a few meters from the Adriatic Sea, which bathes the city’s shores and gives the perfect setting to the medieval building, which houses various important sculptures of the period.

On the other hand, the government is completing this Wednesday the task of defining the hotel where Miley will stay during her short stay in the country, for just one day. However, the location has not yet been confirmed. It would be one of the establishments located in Savelletri or Fasano,

These are two towns in the province of Brindisi Borgo EgnaziaThe luxurious resort where most of the G7 activities will take place was inaugurated in 2010 and where some of the most recognizable personalities from different fields have stayed, such as former footballers David BeckhamOwner of the Inter Miami club, where Lionel Messi currently plays, and pop singer the mother of christ,

However, the Argentine President will spend the night at another hotel in the area, accompanied only by the Secretary General of the Presidency, kareena mileyBecause for security and space reasons the rest of the delegation will have to go elsewhere.

For their part, the different sectors of the government from Buenos Aires continue to negotiate possible bilateral meetings that could be independent, although Several have already been confirmed. First of all he will meet the Prime Minister of Italy. Giorgia Meloniwho was the one who invited him to the conclave, and along with his counterpart from France, Emmanuel MacronWhom I had planned to meet in Paris before the agenda changed.

The government wants a bilateral meeting between Xavier Mailly and Emmanuel Macron (Reuters/Stephane Mahe)

Apart from this, he will once again hold a meeting in private Kristalina Georgievadirector of the International Monetary Fund and will meet Ajay BangaPresidents of the World Bank and the two largest multilateral lending institutions.

Due to her busy schedule, Miley will have to coordinate her interactions with all of them on Friday between 5:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m., which is the time set by the organization for bilateral talks followed by a family photo with representatives of the invited countries.

Chancellor Diana Mondino In fact, she was supposed to be one of the people accompanying the head of state to the G7 leaders’ meeting, but the official ultimately will not attend due to the limited number of accredited people each guest can have at the meeting.

With the new plans, the president will meet his official directly in Switzerland to attend a peace summit led by Zelensky, more than two years after the war with Russia began.

In fact, this will be one of the issues that will be discussed during the working days in turn, including with the participation of the Ukrainian president himself, who will provide details of the situation currently experienced in the region.

For now, the Italian city has already prepared to welcome the heads of state of the world’s most powerful countries: security was increased and some roads were closed, although the most important operations take place in Borgo Egnazia, which is practically armored.

Political leaders will begin arriving this Thursday to take the traditional family photo and hold the first formal meetings at the resort under the scorching sun and humidity coming from the Adriatic Sea, which contributes to the Mediterranean context that Meloni sought for the event, who is in charge this year.

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