The incidence of gonorrhea in Spain has increased by 42%: what is it, how is it transmitted and what symptoms does it have?

Cases of sexually transmitted diseases continue to rise in Spain (Pixabay)
Cases of sexually transmitted diseases continue to rise in Spain (Pixabay)

The Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) published through its National Epidemiological Center (CNE) a report Epidemiological surveillance of infections and sexual transmission in Spain, 2023.. These studies indicate that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to rise in our country, a pattern that has been repeated since the early 2000s. Growth is observed. increase in the incidence of diseases such as gonorrheasyphilis and chlamydiaespecially in young men.

Gonorrhea is an infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea (also known as gonococcus). Despite advances in measurement and efforts to increase public awareness of the importance of protection during sexual practices, the disease continues to be a common infection worldwide.

According to the report, between 2021 and 2023. the incidence of gonorrhea increased by 42.6%: In 2023, 34,401 cases were detected, which meant an increase in incidence from 2.04 in 2001 to 71.54 this year. In men, the rates are higher: eight out of ten are positive.. In terms of age, the most infected are people in the 20–24 age group, followed by people aged 25 to 34: in men, most infections occur in the 25–34 age group, and in women, in those aged 25 to 34 years. most common between 20 and 24 years of age.

The ISCIII study found that The autonomous community with the highest number of infections is Catalonia. (incidence rate of 165.3 per 100,000 inhabitants), followed by Madrid (94.08), Basque Country (78.37) and Andalusia (58.64). In 2023, the regions with the fewest infections were Ceuta (1.20), Melilla (2.34), Aragon (9.24), Castile and Leon (12.59) and Extremadura (16.12).

Although in many cases this STI has no symptoms, especially in women, there are times when it can develop.

In men they can represent painful urination due to irritation of the urethra; purulent discharge on the tip of the penis, which is one of the most common signs of gonorrhea in men; testicular pain or swellingin the most severe cases or if untreated, as well as pain in the pelvis or anus if the infection has spread through the urinary tract.

Women may experience symptoms such as increased vaginal discharge, as well as change in color, texture, or odorthe discharge may be yellowish, greenish or white and have an unpleasant odor; painful urination; pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen, which can vary in intensity, be intermittent or constant; vaginal bleeding between periodsor pain during intercourse, this symptom is also known as dyspareunia.

The best way to prevent gonorrhea is to always use condom during sexual intercoursebecause it is a sexually transmitted infection.

The best way to prevent sexually transmitted infections is to use a condom (Getty Images)
The best way to prevent sexually transmitted infections is to use a condom (Getty Images)

Diagnosis of the disease requires a sample from the genital, pharyngeal or anal area, depending on the sexual practice the affected person has had, although it can also be assessed using urine sample.

When a positive case of gonorrhea is detected must be treated with antibiotics and it is important to start specific treatment as soon as possible, because if left untreated, it can lead to complications and serious long-term health problems: pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause pain in the pelvis and abdomen, infertility and ectopic pregnancy; painful infections in the testicles, as well as in other parts of the body such as the skin and joints, and transmission to newborns during childbirthwhich can cause a serious eye infection.

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