The King seals Baltic Spain’s commitment to take action if Russia attacks

Felipe VI closed this Tuesday his tour of the Baltic countries, a region in tension due to the threat from Russia. The head of state has visited Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia in three days and has guaranteed their three governments that Spain will help them if they see their security compromised by possible aggression from their Russian neighbors. This is it Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) And those countries, like Spain, belong to the coalition, but in this context of instability, it has enormous political importance to say so in the affected region.

In the face of potential “external aggression,” the monarch affirmed, “Latvia is not alone and will not remain alone.”

King, Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, The visit ended in Riga (Latvia) with the same agenda as the other two neighbouring countries: interview with the President and a visit to the Spanish military deployed in the region. Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs offered him lunch Riga Castle In which the King read a speech in support of his executive. “These times are challenging, but Latvia is not and will not be alone,” he stressed, referring to a possible Russian attack. “Our countries are members of NATO and it is in that framework where many men and women of the Spanish military are part of a joint effort to protect Latvia and the common borders from external aggression”he said at another point in his speech.

Spain has even more 4,000 troops on NATO’s eastern flank (including Slovakia and Romania) are participating in security and deterrence efforts against Russia. The fear is that Putin’s regime, after the first (2014) and second invasion (2022) of Ukraine, could also occupy some of the Baltic republics bordering the Eurasian giant. These three regions suffered three occupations in the 20th century: the Soviets (1940), the Nazis (1941) and the Soviets again (1945). Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania finally regained their independence in 1991.

Spain, southern border

In the speech, Felipe VI also stressed that Spain will maintain its support for the Ukrainian government in its war against Russia for as long as necessary and will cooperate in its reconstruction when the conflict is over. He Latvian President thanks the Emperor Because the Spanish army is “protecting” its borders. Rinkević emphasized that the two countries understand each other well because they border both the EU and NATO. “We are on the eastern border, you on the southern maritime border (…) The challenges our countries face are surprisingly similar,” he declared. Therefore, we can naturally understand each other and benefit from mutual learning. In fact, the support that the Spanish government has been giving to the countries of the north and east of the alliance in recent years is understood, as President Pedro Sánchez has said more than once, as a matter of reciprocity, if necessary in the future.

In addition, the Latvian President also remembered Spain 1921he admitted Independence of Latvia. “One might say: who remembers it now? We remember. And you do too. It was the basis of our long relationship based on European culture and values,” he said.

Oak trees at the base of Adaz

In the afternoon, the Latvian president accompanied Felipe VI on a visit to the Adazi base, 25 kilometers northeast of Riga. There are 650 members of the military there. The Spanish government contributes to this base – where nine other countries are collaborating – combat tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, Self-propelled howitzers With radar and NASAMS surface-to-air missile system.

Adazi is where an acting minister was first seen accompanying the monarch on this tour. Despite Apparent political weight In this visit and as is usual, the government of Pedro Sánchez decided not to send any member of the Council of Ministers to accompany Felipe VI. Eventually they improvised and the Chief of Defense, Margarita Robles, accompanied the King during the last two and a half hours of this three-day visit, to the Adazi base. Robles, who avoided any contact with journalists, was in charge of making a toast to Felipe VI with typical Spanish wines along with the soldiers. “Today we are fortunate and honored that the first soldier of Spain could be here to share this day with us, so I want you to join me as well With a toast to the King”, he said, before 650 soldiers raised their glasses and toasted Felipe VI. After the visit to the base, the head of state traveled back to Spain.

(TagstoTranslate)Philip VI

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