The lawyer re-enacts the above-mentioned scene in which the airline passenger was refused cash.

Andrés Millán, Spain’s most famous social media lawyer, known to everyone as @lawtips, expressed his opinion on the video, which received many comments from TikTok, in which a user shows how he is forced to pay at the airport only by card.

He himself had already complained to the ground stewards, who were not guilty of anything, since they were only following the relevant instructions of their superiors, that this was “It is illegal to accept payment only by card and not accept cash”He liked the business, so he started by saying, “This is one of the main reasons why I decided to study law.”

Even though the video says there is no law, there is, as Lawtips tells us. “It’s section “c” of Article 47 of the Consumer Protection Act, which says that it violation of rules “to refuse to accept cash as a means of payment within the limits established by the Regulation on the Prevention and Combating of Tax Fraud (1,000 euros),” he explained.

“1000 euros in cashand they must accept it everywhere“The only thing missing is that I can no longer pay in cash whenever I want,” he continued, adding that this is also not possible on a plane, since the measure to pay only by card has been introduced for health reasons in times of coronavirus.

He made it clear once again that this issue needs to be resolved: “They cannot prohibit it either inside or outside the plane if the amount is a maximum of 1,000 euros. they have to accept it“.

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