the minister has already suffered the consequences

A new application called TenTen appeared in France and it has already started to wreak havoc in the French country by its nature, and we have “bad” news because it has already reached Spain.

According to many people who have already become “victims” of this new application, its purpose is questioned due to the benefits and goals of TenTen, which is nothing more than real-time communication with other people through voice messages. But after, Will it be like WhatsApp? The reality is that it doesn’t, and we’ll explain why.

First of all, it should be noted that when you install the application on your mobile device, you will be sent a unique code which you will share with your friend, and at that moment Both of you will be able to talk to each other as if the mobile phone was working as a walkie-talkie. How can it be?

Well, here is the most controversial aspect of this application. And the reason it exists is that the moment your friend sends you a voice note, it will immediately be heard out loud on your device, with no option to reject or mute it because the only way is the app -which many define as extremely invasive- stop working by leaving the mobile phone in sleep mode or turning it off, since remaining silent and blocking the mobile phone will not prevent the message from being played.

This fact has been criticized by many people who believe that such an application should not be available as it can become a real problem for many. For example, if you find yourself in a work meeting, in a compromising situation, or in which the message cannot reach you, it will come in the same way, which can lead to truly unpleasant or undesirable moments.

In fact, it has already been collected – let it be known – “important” victim. Nothing more than French Minister of the Interior, who publicly criticized the work of this application through his account X.

Currently the maximum number of friends that can be included is it’s 10 on the listalthough that number is expected to increase to 15 or more in the not-too-distant future, according to the company responsible for its development.

On the other hand, there are those who see the positive side, and this could be the fact that in an emergency situation a person you can immediately contact one of the people who shared your list, so in this case it can be especially useful and even vital.

Among the most critical and those who see the glass as half empty, there is also a current that ensures that The permissions granted violate the user’s privacy, because he is very aggressive and can gain access to intimate or personal data.

Despite this, and after analyzing the permissions required to install it, it is by no means established that additional permissions are required in relation to an application like WhatsApp or Facebook. On the other side, They note that voice messages are not saved in the application’s memory.

We’ll have to wait to see whether this app is here to stay or whether it’s doomed to disappear or become more regulated. For now the best recommendation if you have already taken the step to download it is that Be very careful about the people you add to your friends jokes and pranks can be a nightmare for many.

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