The names most being considered to replace Biden in case of a possible resignation

Yes Joe Biden finally decides to abandon his re-election bid As President of the United States, the Democrats will need to New candidate He will face Donald Trump on November 5. The list of candidates being considered in the United States for this potential replacement is long.

Kamala Harris

The consensus is that the current Vice President, 59 yearsThat would be an option that Biden himself would point to as an alternative, but that would still not guarantee his nomination and others could enter the race and try to seek the nomination at the Chicago convention.

The daughter of academics from Jamaica and India and a law graduate, she became the first woman (and person of color) elected as California’s attorney general in 2011. Five years later she reached the Senate. In 2020 she quit her race in the Democratic primary before the first vote and was then chosen as Biden’s No. 2.

Her vice presidential tenure has been bleak. Biden did her a disservice by appointing her as the face of immigration policies, but she has also added her own problems, from artificiality to poor speeches. However, in recent months, she has elevated her political standing. Focus on reproductive rights and outreach to youth, women, and minorities,

Gretchen Whitmer

Governor of Michigan is a rising star in the Democratic Party. He won two landslide victories for his office in 2018 and 2022, including among a handful of upsets that decide presidential elections, which will also be crucial this November.

He was the victim of a Kidnapping and attempted murder By a far-right militia.

His moves in favor of guaranteeing abortion rights, gun control, or protecting the rights of the LGTBQ community may appeal to progressives, but he also has a history that could make him one. Attractive to moderates,

At 52, married, with two daughters and three stepchildren, she has not hidden her presidential ambitions, although in recent days she has shown her support for Biden (who was with her on the final list of potential vice presidents) and indicated she would not challenge Harris at the convention.

Gavin Newsom

The governor of California is another politician who, before the Biden crisis began, clearly had an eye on the 2028 elections, in fact, in his case, already when he entered public life at the municipal level in 1998 he had said he wanted to run for president.

At 56, Newsom was San Francisco’s youngest mayor and served eight times as lieutenant governor before ascending to his current post in 2018, where he won a no-confidence vote in 2021.

seen as Quick and efficient, but also superficial and arroganthas built a network of donors and endorsements and raised its national profile with events like the debate it held with Ron DeSantis. In that quest, it is also moderating some of its proposals and policies and moving toward the center, but it will shoulder some of the burden of problems in California, Homelessness crisis upto one too much loss,

Like Whitmer, he defended Biden’s continuity and has also indicated he will not challenge Harris (whom he could not run with as vice president, as the two candidates cannot be from the same state).

Pete Buttigieg

Biden’s current transportation secretary emerged onto the national political scene in 2020 as mayor of South Bend (Indiana). In those primaries, and before Biden managed to secure his nomination in South Carolina, he nearly won Iowa and New Hampshire.

Although in the executive he has been in charge of a portfolio that has experienced moments of crisis, he has proven himself as one of the Better Communicator He has stood up to Republicans on behalf of the administration and in numerous appearances in Congress or on Fox News, which has delighted Democrats. One of his biggest weaknesses is that, at least in 2020, he has almost no support among minority voters.

Buttigieg is gay, 42 years old, married, and They have two twin children through surrogacy.

Gina Raimondo

The commerce secretary is one of the most prepared people in the Biden administration. The former businesswoman and investor was a two-term governor of Rhode Island, where Taxes were cut, the minimum wage was raised, other labor rights were guaranteed, and renewable energy was expanded,

Her critics at state level have called her a “Democrat of Wall Street” for other less progressive measures, but she remains one of the business community’s favorites. And in the executive she has demonstrated competence, whether implementing new regulation on semiconductors, managing commercial relations with China or proving herself to be one of the best understanders of artificial intelligence.

wes moore

The governor of Maryland is another rising figure in the Democratic Party. The 45-year-old Negro is the prototype History of reform and genius. He started out at a community college before entering Johns Hopkins and then winning a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. He was in the Army and served in Afghanistan, ran a charitable foundation and made money on Wall Street. He has written five books and has written though Little experience in politicsWith only a year and a half left in office, the campaign could be energized.

JB Pritzker

At 59, and a member of the co-founding family of the Hyatt hotel chain, the Illinois governor is a billionaire. Great luck that can help you on any mission President.

As governor, he has pushed forward a Progressive Agenda This has ranged from increases in the minimum wage to assault weapons vetoes and the codification of abortion rights in Illinois, when the Supreme Court struck down constitutional protections of the right, declaring the state a sanctuary for women who need to interrupt their work to avoid pregnancy.

Josh Shapiro

‘The Washington Post’ describes the Governor of Pennsylvania as One of the “most interesting” rising stars In formation. Though he has only been in office for a year and a half (after serving as attorney general and several stints as a state congressman and other positions), the 51-year-old politician has achieved something unusual among Democrats: winning approval from three in 10 voters who support Trump.

It’s a good entry point, the kind of state run without which it’s hard to win the presidency in November. But he’s also clashed with Biden and environmental groups for his own Support for the gas industry And he is not a favorite among progressives because of his strong support for Israel.

Michelle Obama

Despite making it clear that I have no intention of showingNor can Barack Obama’s wife, returning to Washington, prevent her name from being entered in one if not all of the pools, on all wish lists Of the Democrats.

It’s a fantasy that depends on her popularity (the highest of any former first lady since Lady Bird Johnson). Furthermore, the 60-year-old, who graduated from Princeton and Harvard, has received results in polls that suggest a possible duel with Trump. She is the only one who leads the Republican decisively, 50% to 38%, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Anyone with enthusiasm should give up.”I never said ‘I want to run’. Never“, he said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey last year. “Politics is hard and people who get into it are like marriage or having children: You have to love it, it has to be in your soul. It’s not in my soul.”

(tags to translate) Joe Biden

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