The Pope once again speaks of “faggot” when referring to the Vatican environment


ACT at 23:37


He Pope Francisco This Tuesday he met behind closed doors with about 200 priests, with whom he once again discussed the issue Possible entry of homosexuals into madrassas. According to Italian media such as the newspapers ‘Il Corriere della Sera’ or ‘Repubblica’, the pontiff once again mentioned it The “faggot atmosphere” that prevails in the Vatican,

In particular, they report that Francisco said that The Vatican has a “faggot atmosphere” And? “Gays are good people, but with this attitude it would be better if they don’t do this (at the seminar)”,

As the Vatican explained in a statement, the Pontiff attended this meeting. Church calls for welcoming gays but also calls for “prudence”Regarding their eventual admission into Madrasas.

“The Pope spoke about the danger of ideologies in the Church and returned to the topic Entry of people with homosexual tendencies in madrasas“Reiterating the prudent indication of the Dicastery for Clergy regarding the need to welcome and accompany them into the Church and their entry into the seminary,” the Vatican press office said after this Tuesday’s meeting with priests at the Salesian University in Rome.

Less than two weeks ago, The pontiff, in a meeting with Italian bishops, also behind closed doors and therefore without journalists, apologized for saying that there was “a lot of nonsense” in the seminaries,

Shortly after 4:00 p.m. this Tuesday, Francis left the Vatican and went by car to the Salesian Pontifical University. As reported by the Vatican, among the topics discussed with priests, ranging from 11 to 39 years of ordination, the Pope has addressed pastoral issues related to the diocese, as well as the role and identity of the priest.

According to the Vatican, it has emerged stronglyOn the question of people’s sufferingwith which closeness, compassion and tenderness, three qualities of God, must be experienced – especially by the elderly -. There is also talk about the importance of hospital ministry and the difficulties of the city of Rome, the housing emergency, inviting religious congregations with facilities of generosity, the spread of drugs, the drama of loneliness, the difficulties of many people who live their pain in invisibility.

“In the life of a priest, the invisible is more important than the visible, because it is denser, more painful,” the pope said. “Our job as priests is to seek out these people.”

Besides, He spoke to the priests about “the current situation in Europe and the world” and the wars in the Holy Land and Ukraineamong other crises. In this way, they have pointed to the ongoing wars in the Holy Land, Ukraine, but also Burma, Congo, and the massive investments in weapons, contraceptives, veterinary expenses and cosmetic surgery, as detailed by the Vatican.

In this sense he calls for the Church’s social teaching and work for peace. Finally, he regrets that we are experiencing “times of disengagement and restraint” in politics, which he defines as “the highest form of charity”.


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