The series was officially found by Abby.

This is an official The Last of Us Season 2 It will be good if we go into production. While the sadness of actors and writers in Hollywood ends, the project is on the rails. Our products will be officially announced in advance who brings Abby to life on screen?. Contrary to what fans have speculated about you doing an encore, I know it is not Australian actress Shannon Berry who will be taking on the role. Il s’agit en fait de Kaitlyn Deverat the center of the latest rumors.

This is effective pressure to match the second lead role. The actress appeared in works that appeared on television after several years of absence. Plus the continuation of the role of Eve Baxter’s son in the sitcom This is my chef!bathroom with partitions plus series, note in the Netflix series Incredible you’re doing an encore intoxicating on Disney+.

After the premiere of Kaitlyn Dever

This is not the premiere when Kaitlyn Dever worked with Neil Druckmann. The Naughty Dog product is part of a motion capture studio that features a young woman. Nathan Drake’s Girlfriend in Four Opusesunknown. Craig Mazin, co-creator of the Druckmann series, explains: Diversity :

The notre casting process for season two is identity at the heavenly premiere: we are looking for world-class actors who embody the characters in the source material. Rien is not more important than her talent, and our “Somes Ravis Qu’une” actress also noted that Caitlin makes Pedro, Bella and the rest of the family happy.

Plus de nouvelles bientôt

The rest of the casting cannot be included in the exclusion list. Craig Mazin, Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey confirm the roles of Joel and Ellie. The events of the second season will unfold several years after the scandalous end of the first season. When there was no encore when Dinah’s character was introduced, it was very important for the entire franchise.

L’une des hypotheses is to think that Kashina Caradonna, embodied, leaves the main character in The Last of Us Part 2Gardera in the section in the series. It wasn’t the premiere where she played a role in a game in the vein of an HBO production. He knows Ashley Johnson, who played the role of D’Ellie in the games or the role of the mother herself in the series, and Troy Baker, who played the role of Joel in the games, and faithful David in episode 8.

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