The Spanish Association of Metastatic Breast Cancer also celebrates its day as part of Pink October.

  • The Spanish Association of Metastatic Breast Cancer, created, managed and supported by women with this disease, wants to become visible on October 13th to declare its reality and ask for more research to increase life expectancy.
  • The Spanish Association of Metastatic Breast Cancer was created more than 6 years ago thanks to a group of patients with stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer.
  • The main goals of the AECMM are to raise awareness of the disease, guide and empower patients, obtain resources for research, and demand rapid access to oncology innovations with a special emphasis on new treatments.

The Spanish Association of Metastatic Breast Cancer is once again promoting a campaign dedicated to October 13, World Metastatic Breast Cancer Day, to bring more attention to this stage of the disease, which has nothing to do with everything formulated under the “pink ribbon”. Metastatic breast cancer (mBC) remains an incurable disease today. Approximately 6-7% of patients diagnosed with breast cancer (mostly women, but also a small percentage of men) have metastases from the very beginning; and the remaining 30% will also develop metastases over time, even years after the end of treatment. The average survival rate for such women is 5 years.

According to Pilar Fernandez, President of AECMM: “On this day, we want to raise awareness of our disease, which is largely unknown to much of society, and demand more research, more funding and quick access to new treatments so that patients can live as long as possible with the best possible benefits. quality of life” This requires the support of public and private institutions, as well as high public awareness.

The following events are planned for October 13 next year in the city of Leon:

  • Illumination of the Santo Domingo Fountain on Sunday, October 13th.
  • Reading a manifesto in memory of deceased colleagues to raise awareness of what it is like to live with this disease and the need for continued research to quickly gain access to new innovative drugs that can prolong and improve survival. , quality of life. It will take place on Friday, October 11, at 1:30 pm in the plenary chamber of the San Marcelo City Council.
  • A petition table in front of the Ordoño II Town Hall on Friday, October 11, from 10:00 to 13:30, where information about the disease will be given, donations will be collected and solidarity products will be sold.

All these different actions, named under the motto and hashtag #MásInvestigaciónParaMásVida, are promoted by members, partners, patients, family members and supporters of the AECMM. To see the different events in different places of each Autonomous Community, you can visit their website:

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