The Unbelievable on Netflix: a series that achieves perfection with a rating of 4.6 out of 5 – News Séries

Based on a virtual story, she was part of this series that enraged and secuente like a jamai: called “The Incredible”, la glaciale, la bouleversante, la viscérale.

In 2008, 18-year-old Marie Adler breaks into her apartment. She reports the crime to the police, but most likely parole is a reprieve in question. Les autorités décident alors que le rapport de Marie est false and type pressure sur elle pour qu’elle se retracte, lui cûtant la power of attorney of the son’s entourage. Doutant d’elle-même, ellefinit par se retracter, ils ont gagné.

Accused of dating, justice must return against her and she est poursuivie for making a false statement. Even more faces turned to her, two enquêtrices are interested in pourraient bien tout Changer…

I base myself on events that come from people who don’t cut”: voilà ce que l’affiche de Unbelieveable promet. Indeed, the 2019 miniseries Police, created by Susanna Grant, is inspired by reality. And if Marie Adler isn’t her real name, she’s not someone who would make the list of Netflix heroines that inspire us.


Pour raconter son recit glaçant, le show se base sur l’article de presse”An incredible story of rape” signed by T. Christian Miller and Ken Armstrong, published in 2015 and awarded the Pulitzer Prize, inaugurating the Washington and Colorado violin series, also in the book False report (2018), author’s memes.

Give parole to victims, Incredible Abortions, as in Series 7, are subject to the law “Justesse Engagée et Révèle sans Cancession”, de façon Clinique, les traumatologists épreuves par lesquelles elles doivent passer, surtout lorsqu’elles ne sont pas prises au sérieux. Neither moralizing nor grossier, a series of terrible violent crimes encountered in the light of a scandalous court case, the lower back of a separate case.


À ce sujet poignant s’ajoute the intuitive performances of the three main actresses, all three of whose names were awarded an Emmy Award for the occasion. In the light of Marie, Kaitlyn Dever (Booksmart, Dopesick) shines with sincerity. A true etale montante, she chose the best image to embody the most important character in the second season of The Last of Us. Eredite). After all, it’s ici c’est le female gaze qui prime: it views women as victims or enslaved.


Côté spectateur, peine et colère sont au Rendez-vous dans this série coup de poing – notes 4.6 and 4.3 sur 5 par la presse et les spectateurs d’AlloCiné – qui sonne (trop) juste et bouleverse profondément. Faisant party des 7 meilleures series que vous feront pleurer sur Netflix, Incredible It’s powerful and important and life changing in 8 straight episodes.

Incrediblecreated by Suzanne Grant with the participation of Kaitlyn Dever, Toni Collette, Merritt Wever…

Season 1 to watch on Netflix.

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