The Unbreakable Will of the Brave Adele

This is a young girl, joyful… And brilliant! She writes books, plays social games and creates animated films, enjoys classical dancing and flûte.

Adèle Boutin, 17, developed the CAP production and restoration services with reference to assez bien, Lycée Jean-Jaurès de Saint-Afrique.

Brilliant and curious

Twice she had to receive a brief mention of the College Saint-Michel de Belmont. Auparavant, she passed the main stage at 6th general after studying in the unique class of Saint-Sever.

Park, which can be banal, a-la difference, which is Adele, and there is a difference, appeals trisomy 21. A small chromosome and a plus, which is similar to the wrong ambush in the park of a young girl.

“Also the day of the results announcement”,I feel joy, I enjoy my fireThis is Adele. Finally, a little love for the kitchen. I decided that I would be honest in my profession, I would study fast restoration and collectivism.

In her development, Adele loved her stages in the service and kitchen: in Serigues, at the restaurant Grain de sel d’Albi, in honor of Davy and Caroline du Camion, the pizza of Hot Antiques, where she creates a trio of chocolates, or the encore at Belmont College.

Upon arrival here, in unfortunate doses of courage and determination.

Courage and Family Aiming at Motorists

For the family, studying in a regular course is a constant battle against moments of discouragement. This was a real push for Adele’s stubbornness.”I created incredible strength, made an impression, learned a lesson in courage and perseverance. “Child, you, your mother.

As a family of four, Adele is always trying to get by within their limits, or to cheat the limits that their difference censures him.

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Adèle, it is also the figure of a petit-maiden and a village belle. At the school, she is investing in everything that he proposed: plastic arts studios, the theatre troupe, the chantiers on the insolite construction, the service of festivals and communion at the Banquet with Chef Michel Bras this morning, who takes care of you.

Diploma in her pocket, she was terrible and a new professional chapter of life. “I work at a college.” “This is the end of “Son Parcours scolaire”, but the debut of “Son Parcours de vie”.” says Nathalie Millau.

Adele attacks deja in other singer, passes code for opportunity to spend time. “This resume is so eloquent, she always goes on adventures! And now we have seen that throughout life there is a beautiful courage, and it is possible to go beyond and find your way of life.

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