The University of Leon is looking for students to study

The University of León is looking for people over 65 years of age to participate in an innovative project. the focus was on healthy aging and COVID-19. In particular, an interdisciplinary research team led by a professor and doctor specialized in sports medicine and professor at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of León, Jose Antonio de Paz wants to improve the quality of life of participants through a physical fitness program in the city of Leon.

The main goal of this project is to “advance our knowledge of exercise and vitamin D regulation of the ACE2 protein, which is considered a key gateway for COVID-19,” details the person in charge of the project, who hopes the public will want to “join this exciting project on active aging, where each of our joint steps will significantly contribute to build a healthier future for everyone“, the press release clarifies.

In addition, the project seeks to improve muscle mass and bone density and understand the regulation of ACE2 protein in older adults, a critical protein associated with COVID-19.

Project evaluations will begin in February this year as they are currently immersed in search for participants from 65 to 80 years oldwho want to take part in this annual training program.

What will the participants have to do?

Participants They will train twice a week in a gym located in the La Palomera area, under the guidance of graduates of the Department of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, hired by the University of León.

Professionals They adapt the intensity of training to the conditions of each participant. guarantee correct execution of exercises, as well as physical safety during training.

The program is completely free, no previous experience is required, and it adapts to the time availability of each participant, trying to form small groups according to time availability.

The project is funded by the Spanish government and under the guidance of researchers from the University of León and the Institute of Biomedicine. (IBIOMED) and consists of experts in the fields of psychology, nutrition and sports sciences.

How to get more information

People interested in joining the project can contact us through the following channels:

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