The US is already putting forward the radical idea of ​​breaking up Google. Europe has been trying unsuccessfully for many years

The idea is already on the table. Splitting up Google is a viable option. This has been pointed out by the US Department of Justice, which is recommending breaking up the tech giant as a possible solution to its monopoly case.

Search engine, Chrome and Android, each on its own. Google is a huge company. Each of your businesses will be a great company in its own right. This is what they offer from the USA. Break up Google and split up their business. Android operating system on the one hand; Chrome is for another and the search engine business is for another.

According to the DOJ, this separation will be necessary to “prevent and limit the existence of monopolies” and ensure that there are no “contractual prohibitions; product non-discrimination requirements; data requirements and compatibility; as well as structural requirements.”

Google begins antitrust case: Big Tech's biggest challenge in decades

A division that will impact the entire industry. This proposal has many implications. Among the victims will be not only Google, but also almost the entire industry that cooperates with them. In particular, Google’s agreement with Apple to use the default search engine on the iPhone is carefully analyzed.

The breakup of Google and the end of its roughly $20 billion-a-year deal with Apple would change the landscape of the tech industry.

Google responds: “This is a radical proposal.” This isn’t the first time Google has had to respond to this idea, but now that the Justice Department has officially raised it, the company has issued a statement.

Leigh-Ann Mulholland, vice president of regulatory affairs, classifies the proposal as radical and assures that they will defend their position in court.

What are Google’s arguments. Google’s breakup will have negative consequences for consumers, the company says. Here are the main points they reveal:

  • Privacy and Security: Google uses search to improve its security practices.
  • Artificial intelligence: Google argues that artificial intelligence is a key technology for the industry and that breaking up the company would harm its innovation.
  • Chrome and Android are very connected. And this will affect its competition with Apple and the App Store.
  • Damage to advertising reach. Google says its advertising business also helps small businesses become more visible.
  • This will hurt many other companies.. Google specifically names Mozilla and “Android mobile device manufacturers.”

The possibility that the United States will force Google to break up is very real. This will have consequences for the entire ecosystem.

Already in 2014, the European Union raised this option. The radical idea was floated by European regulators in 2014, which argued that Google’s search engine and the company’s other commercial services should be separate.

The idea has been repeated ever since. Last year, Margrethe Vestager issued her own warning to Google. However, Google’s Europe-based unit has little room to move forward, according to Reuters.

The European Union is currently undergoing changes within the Competition, but attention has shifted to the United States. And the Ministry of Justice of your country asks about this.

Image | Hataka

In Hatak | Google faces the greatest challenge in its history. We spoke with Kent Walker, the lawyer who leads Google’s global strategy to combat artificial intelligence.

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