“There are unknown elements… And a little danger.” Get ready for Avowed, because Obsidian’s RPG will be more than just a walk through fantasy places – Avowed

The title will allow us to delve deeper into everything that makes up the world of Pillars of Eternity, including biomes and lore.

While it’s true that many RPG fans were excited by the initial announcement Recognizedthis feeling was even stronger among the fans Pillars of Eternity. Ultimately, Obsidian invites us to return to this fantasy world through completely different point of view; an idea that will no doubt baffle any fan of the genre. Now, what connections will we find between PoE and new products from the creators of Fallout: New Vegas? Although these are very different adventures, both they separate the stages and knowledge Characteristics of this universe.

This was stated by the heads of the PC and Xbox Series experience department Carrie Patel (game director) and Gabriel Paramo (gameplay manager) in an interview with colleagues from Extra Life. Because, as expected, Pillars of Eternity fans will find plenty of references on their journey through Avowed: “players of previous Pillars of the Eternity games will recognize the Living Lands as environment existing in knowledge but what we haven’t visited yet. So, as a development team, one of the things we were most excited about exploring was that this was new territory for both us and our players,” explains the director.

This way, the community can prepare to explore unique scenarios. But that doesn’t mean that Avowed is meant to be a collection of incredible landscapes, since the role-playing game will lead us down dark paths: “ knowledge and the sensations that we have created for this world are like cross the wild border and get to amazing places and everything there is full of life and nuances, but there are also unknown elements… and a little danger“, Patel continues. “Of course, we’re also talking about an island full of mountains and valleys that provide many different biomes, so we had to create all of these environments for players to explore, each with its own theme, its own personality… its unique features. …”.

In fact, Pillars of Eternity players won’t be the only ones recognizing locations in Avowed. After all, Obsidian was also inspired by real places to bring life to its virtual settings: “In our case, we were inspired by different places around the planet. You will surely recognize places that remind you of famous places in Philippines or Cinque Terre in Italy. Shadow Scarp combines sand dunes with elements Scottish Highlandsso there are many mediums from which we draw inspiration.”

A familiar feeling that will also be observed in the gameplay.

Now Avowed drinks from Pillars of Eternity not only to fuel its world of biomes, settings and knowledge. In this sense, Paramo expands the conversation, recalling that the gameplay will also be based on the 2015 RPG, but with a twist: “In terms of gameplay, we always wanted to look at Pillars of Eternity and from there take all the elements that were already there , present or inspired by your world and bring as many people as possible and be able to see them from a closer perspectivefirst person view rather than a more distant view where you could stand straight in front of you and very close to the action. That was what got us excited.” In short, it seems to be a combination that dances between familiar sensations and gaming surprises; which, in turn, is formed as a way to leave a mark on the player’s experience.

Recognized is not far off in time. Although it’s true that leak dated issue of this RPG released on November 12th, official information from Obsidian continues to confirm the game’s fantasy title. fourth quarter 2024. Be that as it may, the developers are giving us many reasons to look forward to the premiere.

In 3D games | Avowed’s secret weapon isn’t its fantasy world or its story. What promises to keep you engaged in Obsidian’s RPG is its deep, varied combat.

In 3D games | You’re wrong if you compare Avowed to Skyrim. Obisdian’s fantasy RPG is more like The Outer Worlds

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