There is no debate in science about which exercise is ideal after 50 years.

Each type of exercise has its own benefits when it comes to healthy aging.

Our bodies change as we age, so it’s logical to think that this is something we can (or should) do. change the way we train. We tend to associate older age with slower-paced exercise to improve our cardiorespiratory health, such as walking.

But even after 50, our options are varied, and we may have even better options.

An example is strength training. As explained from National Institute on Aging (NIA) American, no need to lift 120 kg weights take advantage of this type of training. Moreover, according to the center, starting at age 50, strength and weight training become critical in allowing us to continue to perform daily activities and remain independent for many years to come.

And losing muscle mass can cause problems: By age 70, it’s estimated that 30% of adults will have trouble with activities like walking or climbing stairs. Problems associated with this loss, also called sarcopenia, as well as falls or various chronic diseases, are recalled from the NIA.

While age-related muscle decline is inevitable, strength training can help us slow its progression. Incorporating some exercise into our daily routine is entirely possible.

The NIA gives us some tips on how to incorporate strength training into our workout routine. First, we need to know what we should expect from our own body. “A 60-year-old person is different from an 80-year-old person.“We need to be careful not to lump all older adults into one bag,” explains Barb Nicklas, a gerontology expert at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. “We have to adjust our expectations.”

Therefore, it is important to be careful, move carefully to avoid falls or fractures, especially when we start. Activities such as tai chi and yoga can help us train strength and balance.

In this regard, NIA also reminds us that setting realistic goals is a good idea. 150 minutes of exercise per week can be a good goal, but we can set lower goals if they are more realistic, since the benefits can be seen in less time, recalls Roger Fielding of Tufts University.

Another tip from Fielding: Make it fun. Consistency is important, and this can be achieved in two complementary ways. The first is it’s fun, the second is to properly incorporate these exercises into your daily routine.

Not just strength

And what’s about cardio? These exercises can go beyond walking; there are also a whole range of options, such as swimming or run and even dancing.

The most obvious benefit of this practice is in its name: cardiovascular health. As Melinda Ratini explains on the portal WebMDour maximum heart rate drops by one beat per minute per year of life, meaning that over a decade we can lose between 5% and 10% of our blood flow.

Exercises targeting the cardiorespiratory system can help us restore some of this flow, which in turn increases the flow of oxygen all over our body. In this way, you can reduce the risk of numerous diseases and extend your life expectancy.

The advice in this sense is not far from what has been used before: incorporating exercise into our daily lives, finding activities that keep us entertained, or setting realistic goals are some of the advice from the British Heart Foundation. This association also recommends that we resort to group activities as a way of motivation.

So what is best for our health? If there are no medical reasons preventing this (and this is why it is important to consult with health professionals when we want to start exercising moderately or intensely), combining different types of exercises is usually a practical solution for Kampus Productionena.

As Minesh Khatri explains on the portal WebMDA complete workout plan should include aerobic exercise (such as walking, running, or swimming); during strength training (for example, lifting weights); and stretches that will help us keep our flexibility and joints at full capacity.

One type of exercise is not incompatible with another. For example, NIA researcher Eric Shiroma points out shaking as an easy way to incorporate strength training into our workout routine. This practice involves adding a weighted vest to our walks.

Health has many aspects and therefore exercising different aspects of our body will help us stay healthy. diverse and complementary forms. Age may set certain limits for us, but they are often wider than we expect. Knowing your body and consulting with experts is the first key. Second, let’s get down to business.

In Hatak | We’ve been reading for years that 10,000 steps a day is a myth, but more and more researchers are asking whether it’s a useful myth.

Image |Campus Production

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