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There will be a second round of elections in Uruguay

Oppositionist Yamandu Orsi (Frente Amplio) and ruling party Álvaro Delgado (National Party) are the candidates receiving the most votes in Uruguay with 99% of the census, and will contest the election. Presidency In the second round, which will be held on 24 November.

Yamandu OrsiConsidered the dolphin of former leftist President José ‘Pepe Mujica’, she received 43.9% of the vote and is the leader of the National Party. Alvaro DelgadoHas managed to attract 26.7%.

The leftist candidate addressed voters to celebrate that “Our Frente Amplio is once again the party with the most votes in Uruguay. We are the party that has grown the most in this election,” he said, referring to the second round on November 24. “We are going for that last push with more enthusiasm than ever before.”

“Today is a night of celebration of democracy, which has maintained the Republic for 40 uninterrupted years, upholding independence. Uruguay is once again in the news today for its civic culture,” Oris said from a platform set up in the Rambla. Announced in his speech. de Montevideo, in the capital of Uruguay.

Alvaro DelgadoFor its part, has sent “a special greeting” to candidate Orsi He assured that from this Monday they have started planning for voting on November 24.

In his speech, the National Party candidate also recalled outgoing President Louis Lacalle Pou, in whose cabinet he served until now as Secretary of the Presidency.

“Colorado” candidate ruling party will support Delgado

Colorado Party presidential candidate Andrés Ojeda, who finished third in the election, Has announced that he will support Alvaro Delgado in the second round,

“Today I want to tell you that when we started this, a year ago, we measured 3% and people were discussing whether we were surviving,” Ojeda told his supporters after learning the vote projections. Emphasized in a speech given.

After assessing the growth of its political strength, Ojeda highlighted that the Colorado Party has grown from 12.8% in the 2019 elections to nearly 16% five years later.

,We have a Colorado match on the field sometime“A modern, renewed Colorado party, clearly the most modern in Uruguay, fully immersed in the 21st century and which is beginning a history that is clearly just beginning,” he said.

Two referendums were rejected

Apart from this, voters this Sunday had to decide on two Referendum: One sought to reform the Social Security system so that retirement would once again be at age 60 and the other sought to authorize night raids. Both projects have been rejected by Uruguayan voters.

Marcelo Abdala, leader of the union movement, said, “We did not achieve the central objective that we established. We did not achieve it with the vote that our citizens took today.”

The social security system was amended in August last year. When the government of Louis Lacalle Pau managed to enact a law that raised the retirement age from 60 to 65 while also allowing retirees to choose to continue working.

This led the union movement to promote referendums aimed at amending legislation and the national constitution. Its objective was to bring the pension amount equal to the national minimum wage and enable retirement again at the age of 60.

A second referendum was held, which also did not receive voter support, a proposal to legalize night raids, which were explicitly banned in Uruguay.

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