these actors who don’t go back in time…
Addams Family Fans Who Were Helpers Picked: Mercredi Season 2 Outing. The biggest concern lately is that the two actors won’t be part of Jenna Ortega’s adventures. ..
After the success of the first season, the series Mercredi Compte Bien Revenir on our screens. A novel similar to the creators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. “It’s incredible to believe in a series that is part of the world.. Nous sommes ravis de poursuivre le voyage tortueux de Mercredi dans la deuxième saison”, it’s announced.
“We are impatient, and we Lancers sit in another season, and explore the eccentric world and escape from Nevermore. “Il faut juste qu’on s’assure que Mercredi n’a pas vidé la piscine avant”ajoutent-ils dans les Colonnes de Tele-Loisir.
Mercredi’s second season is missing two acts
Pour instantly aucune date of sortie to été dévoilée. On March 7, the Netflix platform will be included in the list of participants in the distribution. Two names manquent à l’appel: Percy Hines White and Naomi J. Ogawa. It’s not a good thing that these two actors are not returning for the second season of the fantasy series.
Percy Hines White embodies the character Xavier Thorpe, a Nevermore student who is in a short-lived idyll with Mercredi, the main character played by Jenna Ortega. Naomi J. Ogawa, quant à elle interpreting the vampire Yoko Tanakaclassmate of the girls Gomez and Morticia Addams.
Season 2 tournament against horror?
Jenna Ortega, following the red ribbons at the Emmy Awards, revealed some details about the second season. “I found several scripts for the second season, etc. Nous nous penchons un peu plus vers l’horreur. C’est vraiment très excitant puisque, tout au long de la serie, meme si Mercredi vit des chooses, elle nechange jamais vraiment et c’est ce qui est génial avec elle “at-elle déclaré à la chaîne E!.
El Pursuit: ” Il ya de très, très bonnes repliques et puis, tout est plus grande. That’s plus bourre d’action. A Chuck episode is probably like the movie plus that, and that’s a good thing.