These are bank accounts that offer you up to 4% interest in June.

06/05/2024 at 13:45.


In the current panorama of the banking sector profitability of accounts This is a decisive factor when choosing where to store our savings.. Below we present a list best bank accounts of june 2024 which offer attractive interest rates, some of them reaching 4% per annum.

All this thanks to the information that the portal offers. Kelisto.

  1. TradeRepublic paid account: Offers an initial return of 4% per annum with a maximum payable balance of €50,000.
  2. Freedom 24 paid account. This account has an annual rate of 3.87%, with no maximum balance limit.
  3. B100 Health account. With a yield of 3.35% per annum, this account allows you to pay up to 50,000 euros without any conditions or fees.
  4. Smart account EVO Banco. It offers a maximum interest rate of 2.85% per annum for those who open an account before June 30, 2024, with a maximum reward of €30,000.
  5. Openbank welcome savings account. For new customers opening an account between 20 May and 10 June 2024, Openbank offers an annual rate of 2.27% for the first year, with a maximum reward of €100,000.
  6. ING salary account.This account offers a return of 1.5% per annum up to a maximum balance of €1,500,000, subject to direct payroll debit or regular income of €700. Includes extras such as free insurance for online purchases.

Here you will find just some of the attractive options that exist in the banking market when it comes to register a bank account that offers profitability to your clients.

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