These are the most dangerous destinations the government advises against traveling to this summer

Summer holidays bring with them a large number of trips abroad. The most exotic destinations are usually the most attractive, however, many times the lack of information about the destination country can cause us to put our lives at risk without knowing it. For this reason, the Spanish government has indicated a list of countries through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation What is not recommended Avoid travelling unless absolutely necessary.

Countries you shouldn’t travel to

The Ministry of External Affairs has included various levels of recommendations in its blacklist of countries not to travel to. Syria and Iraq are among the countries where the government does not recommend traveling without reason “urgent need”. The list of “very high risk” countries is completed by the island of Socotra; Afghanistan, Niger, Mali, Nigeria. Other countries from which the Ministry warns us not to travel “under any circumstances” are countries that are at war or in political instability, such as Russia, Ukraine, Israel or Palestine, as well as neighboring countries such as Iran or Lebanon.

For Ethiopia, Mozambique, Colombia and Ecuador They advise “travel with caution and avoid traveling to certain areas.” Libya is also advised to stay safe due to major flooding and they ask to avoid traveling to the northeastern region containing the cities of Derna, Misrata, Al Bayda and Marj. For its part, the government recommends postponing any travel to Chad.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation also does not recommend travel to Egypt, Pakistan or Papua New Guinea. In contrast, the safest countries to travel to of any kind according to this list are Iceland, Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland and Denmark.

From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, they wanted to remember these recommendations are not mandatory And they are only advice or warning. On their part, they have also indicated that the State will not be responsible in any case for damages or losses that, due to ignorance or lack of knowledge, may be suffered by people or property that has not considered the said recommendation, so no claims will be allowed.

Seek help from abroad

To facilitate assistance in emergency situations, the government recommends going through the following Passenger Registration The registration is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation website. You can also register by downloading the free app via an Android or iOS device.

Thanks to this system, the government will have all the necessary data of people traveling (destination country, places to visit and stay, companions, contacts in case of emergency…). This data will make it easier to contact affected people in case of a crisis and intervene if necessary.

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