These are the risk groups that will receive the monkeypox vaccine in Castile and Leon.

Carlos Fernández Carriedo, the Council’s spokesman, after the latest positive response in the community, recalled that “this is not an unusual disease”, so he asked “to give it due importance”. However, he assured that “the means of vaccination and the mechanisms for its control and monitoring have been strengthened”.

This Wednesday, the latest case of monkeypox was detected in Castilla y León. As confirmed by the spokesman for the Junta of Castilla y León, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, this is the fifth confirmed case in the current year 2024. The patient is a man, undergoing outpatient treatment at the Salamanca hospital, without the need for hospitalization. He is in good health, the symptoms are mild.

From now on, the regional executive will tighten controls and, as confirmed by the representative of the regional executive, “vaccination will be guaranteed to those people who should do it.” Fernandez Carriedo recalled that there are two groups that should have access to two doses of the vaccine: “Those who have participated in risky sexual practices and people who have very direct relationships with infected people.”

In Spain, these will be those members of the National Security Forces and Corps or health workers who have been or will be in contact with the disease. “Health workers” who travel to Central African countries with high rates of “monkeypox” will also be vaccinated.

The council spokesman recalled that “this is not an unusual disease” and therefore asked that “its significance be raised to the appropriate scale”. However, he assured that “vaccination means and mechanisms for its control and monitoring have been strengthened”.

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