They accidentally made a revolutionary discovery while studying urine.

A team of scientists, consisting of experts from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Linnaeus University in Sweden, found a product that, after a series of processes It can be used to improve the efficiency of electric vehicle batteries..

This is about urineas documented in a study published in a specialized scientific journal Self-propelled gun Omega and which was collected by The Cool Down, a US-based environmental portal.

He notes that a liquid solvent can be obtained from urine. When combined with acetic acid, a product is obtained that can be used in battery recycling. Specifically, on a mission to extract some of the metals used in lithium batteries..

Using this procedure, according to the portal, scientists assure that it can be restored. high percentage of cobalt in batteriesbut using less energy and more harmless products than those hitherto used.

This is how he explained it Linnaeus University Professor Ian Nocholls, in a press release. He clarifies that his idea involves using “more efficient and environmentally friendly methods to reuse the very important part of cobalt that is already in use, instead of removing it“.

Moreover, he notes that his method “has the potential to work in large-scale mining,” given that require both “readily available and relatively harmless substances” and “high energy efficiency.”

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