They accidentally order the most expensive wine, they have to pay a lot, and the pressure forces the restaurant to make a move.

It’s important to read restaurant menus and food prices carefully so you don’t get scared when paying. That’s a lesson a group of friends learned in Mistura restaurantin Salvador, Brazil. And they shared it with the world so that others would not make the same mistake.

Four visitors gathered to enjoy relaxed lunchbut they ended up getting the surprise of their lives, and it wasn’t exactly positive. For their meal, they decided to order two bottles of Pera Manca wine not knowing that it was one of the most expensive in the house.

Each bottle of this iconic Alentejo wine from Fundação Eugénio de Almeida costs R$1,650 (€280).but the group ordered two, thinking the price was R$165 (€28). The surprise came when they saw the bill was R$4,512 (around €770). A member of the group, an architect Talita FigueiredoOr he was the one who shared the video of the moment via TikTok, and it soon went viral due to the reactions of viewers.

Restaurant detail

“We always choose the cheapest wine to save money”Talita tells G1 Bahia. So when her friend Juliana told the others that there was a wine for 28 euros, they didn’t hesitate. It turns out he hadn’t noticed the final zero. A mistake that cost a lot.

The restaurant’s press service assured the above-mentioned media that the employees they knew it was a mistakebut they still charged because the price of the wine was clearly reflected on the menu. However, after the story came out, the restaurant offered them ““polite dinner” to compensate for dissatisfaction.

“Mistura had never been through such a situation, but he was touched by what happened. The restaurant has a very democratic menu, both in gastronomic and wine terms. Mistura’s management sympathized with the inexperience of the young people and tried to contact the group to offer them a free dinner,” the establishment’s statement says.

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