They create a cellular atlas of the skin to heal wounds without leaving scars and regenerate hair in any area.

The presence of these cells belonging to the immune system is associated with vascularization of the skin.

For the first time in history, researchers have succeeded in creating a human skin organelle to produce hair.

A team of researchers has succeeded in creating a functional skin organelle in which hair grows and heals. scars in human skin, they also demonstrated fundamental mechanisms that provide insight into how the dermis and cells form. pathology which can better solve the healing problem.

First, scientists from the Wellcome Sanger Institute used the primary structure of the unbranched biopolymer of individual cells and other genomic methods to figure out how each of the elements, including hair follicles, is formed.

For the first time in history, researchers have succeeded in creating a human skin organelle to produce hair. According to expert researchers, this could be a strategy for restoring hair lost by victims of burns and other types of wounds and diseases that have required or forced skin grafts.

Likewise, organoid cells of the immune system play an important role in recovery without scars skin wounds as part of the Human Cell Atlas project, which offers a molecular recipe for skin regeneration and achieving traceless healing after operations and injuries in any area of ​​the body.

Experts say that all hair follicles formed before birth are activated cyclically throughout life, but new ones are not born, however, the skin during pregnancy can regenerate and heal without leaving it. scarsOn the contrary, it can cause disorders that cause blistering and peeling.

Changes that regulate the development of skin cells such as hair.

Because the adult stem cell organelle, in addition to developing hair, in this experiment had a morphology much more similar to prenatal skin than adult skin, since it did not form blood vessels within it. They also had to add a type of immune cell called macrophages to get the body to start making them.

These macrophages play a major role after birth in maintaining infections. The presence of these cells belonging to the immune system is associated with vascularization skin, as scientists and researchers have been able to verify through 3D images, and most importantly, they are involved in regenerating or rebuilding damaged tissue without leaving any scars.

Source consulted here.

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