They determine the best time to exercise if you are overweight and need to regulate your glucose levels.

A study recently analyzed how to plan physical activity affects cardiometabolic benefits in people with overweight or obesity.

Moreover, this study, carried out by sports science experts from the University of Granada, showed that exercise At certain times of the day this may improve much glucose regulation.

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Andrea Reyes

Researchers Antonio Clavero-Gimeno and Jonathan Ruiz from UGR and the Mixed Institute. University Sports and Health (iMUDS), led this study.

His goal was to evaluate what time of day is it for training? Maybe maximize profits for him metabolism belonging glucoseespecially in people with resistance to insulin and risk getting hurt diabetes type 2.

Best time to exercise if you are overweight

Research has shown that best time to train in people with overweight or obesity is from six o’clock in the afternoon until twelve at night.

The results show that the concentration moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity in the afternoon and evening has a positive effect on regulation glucose in men and women with overweight or obesity.

Best time to exercise if you are overweight

“Choose appropriate time of day This strategy promising to raise Benefits of Physical Activity in that metabolism belonging glucose“explain the researchers.

The benefits are greater for people with metabolic changessuch as increased levels of glucose, glycated hemoglobin and fasting insulin resistance index, and these effects are similar in both sexes.

The study involved 186 adults, balanced according to indicators flooraverage age 47 years and all overweight or obesity.

For 14 days, participants used accelerometer And glucose monitor to measure your physical activity and glucose levels 24 hours a day. Each day was classified as “inactive” if no physical activity was performed, or as morning, afternoon, or evening, depending on the exercise schedule.

These findings may be especially useful for people living in risk of developing type 2 diabetesallowing exercise to be scheduled at times of day that maximize it metabolic benefits.

10 signs that warn of high glucose levels in the body

high glucose level may indicate prediabetes or diabetes. In case of diagnosed disease symptoms They may vary depending on the type and other factors.

When Type 1 diabetes usually produces signs quickly and accurately after no production insulintherefore, its diagnosis is usually almost immediate.

Instead of, type 2 diabetesmuch more gradual, several years may pass without symptoms that would make us suspect its presence. For this reason, diagnosis through a blood test is necessary to detect it.

10 characters which warn about elevated blood glucose levels and you need to consult a doctor for the following:

  • Involuntary weight loss.
  • Slow healing ulcers.
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs.
  • Areas of darkened skin, usually in the armpits and neck.

This information is in no way a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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