They determine which antidepressants are most likely to make patients gain weight.

Users bupropion have a 15-20% lower chance of winning a certain amount weight It is clinically significant that users sertralineHe antidepressant more often. These results, obtained by comparing weight gain with eight antidepressants various front-line, were published in ‘Annals of Internal Medicine‘.

Thus, the new results obtained by researchers from Harvard Pilgrim Health Institute (USA), show which common antidepressants are associated with the greatest and least weight gain after starting the drugs.

“Patients and their doctors often have several options when they start taking a drug. antidepressant for the first time. This study provides important evidence about how much weight gain to expect after starting some of them. antidepressants “The most common,” says lead author Joshua PetimarAssociate Professor of the Department of Traditional Medicine Harvard Medical School in that Harvard Pilgrim Health Institute“Doctors and patients can use this information, among other factors, to decide which option is right for them.”

Joshua Petimar: “This study provides important real-world data on how much weight gain can be expected after starting some of the most common antidepressants.”

The researchers used prescription data from electronic health records at eight health systems in the United States. USA who participate in PKORnet, National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Networkto conduct a study using data from 183,118 adults aged 18 to 80 who were taking antidepressants for the first time.

Although randomized controlled trials are considered the most rigorous method for comparing the effects of different drugs, they are prohibitively expensive and time-consuming. In this case, the research team simulated a randomized trial by creating an ideal hypothetical study and matching the data as closely as possible to that study. The researchers compared weight at 6, 12, and 24 months after starting treatment with eight common antidepressants: sertraline, citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, bupropion, duloxetine, and venlafaxine.

The results showed that users bupropion they earned the least amount weight compared to other users antidepressantsBupropion users were about 15 to 20 percent less likely to gain clinically significant weight than those taking the most commonly used drug, sertraline. The researchers considered a weight gain of 5 percent or more to be clinically significant. The results also showed that a large percentage of patients were taking drugs that caused more weight gain than commonly available alternatives in the same class or subclass.

Jason Block: “While there are several reasons why patients and their doctors may prefer one antidepressant over another, the main side effect is weight gain.”

For example, sertraline, escitalopram, and paroxetine are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.SSRIs), the most common type antidepressantbut escitalopram and paroxetine were each associated with an approximately 15% increased risk of developing a number of diseases. weight clinically significant than sertraline in the first six months.

“While there are several reasons why patients and their doctors may choose antidepressant Instead, weight gain is the main side effect that often causes patients to stop taking their medications,” the lead author emphasizes. Jason BlockGeneral practitioner, associate professor of the Department of Traditional Medicine Harvard Medical School in that Harvard Pilgrim Health Institute.

“Our research has shown that some antidepressantsHow bupropionare associated with less weight gain than others. “Patients and their doctors may view weight gain as a reason to choose the drug that best suits their needs,” he concludes.

ConSalud content is written by journalists specializing in health issues and approved by a committee of top-level experts. However, we recommend that the reader consult a healthcare professional for any health-related questions.

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