They find matches between dinosaur tracks separated by more than 5,000 kilometers.

Signs of continental separation continue to emerge, the most recent of which come from dinosaur footprints.

Dinosaur Footprints early Cretaceous modern coincidences, although more 5 thousand kilometers separate one sample from another. The first of them were discovered in Brazil (America) and the second in Cameroon (Africa) The Atlantic Ocean is in the middle.

This discovery reinforces evidence that at one time, long before Earth acquired its current continental composition, South America and Africa have united..

“We determined that in terms of age, these prints were similar,” he said in a statement. Louis L. Jacobspaleontologist Southern Methodist University (USA) and co-author of the paper reporting the discovery.They were also similar in their geological and tectonic context. They were almost identical in shape.“.

Authors of traces

The team responsible for investigating the case believes thatThe tracks were left by theropod dinosaurs.although there are also possibilities that the authors of these traces sauropods or ornithischians.

Same continent, same footprint

According to experts, these dinosaur footprints are a coincidence because long ago 120 million yearsthe specified fragments were combined into one supercontinent: Gondwana.

In addition to what has been mentioned so far, scientists note that Dinosaur footprints have been found in the mud and silt of some rivers and lakes. ancient.

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“The silt deposits left by rivers and lakes contain dinosaur footprintsincluding predators, which documents that These river valleys may have provided special routes for life to travel across continents. “120 million years ago,” he explains. Jacobs.

Traces Brazil They were found in the Borborema region, northeast of the South American country. On the other hand, those Cameroonwere seen in the Kum River basin, north of the said country. How could it not be otherwise, according to the testimony Gondwana, In the two places indicated there are geological signs of continental separation..

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Among other things, as this discovery proves, The tracks are valuable for research because they provide insight into how dinosaurs moved. and even what the skin of these prehistoric creatures might have looked like.

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