“They predict the present and the future”

Gases usually form in the intestines when the body digests food. Although they could be problem if they happen frequently, bother or affect daily activitiesit should be noted that they normal part digestion process.

And not only that: They are an indicator of our state of health.. Or at least that’s what the psychoneuroimmunologist, nutritionist and physiotherapist said – and very convincingly – Javi Verdaguer on the podcast real foodwhere did he speak no secrets regarding flatulence.

“We know that gases predict your health present and future and your gut microbiota predicts your current and future health because we know microbiota regulates the nervous, immune and endocrine systems. Therefore, we are all interested in doing well. microbiota which interacts with what you eat to produce one phase or another,” he noted.


And he’s right, because otherwise it would be a clear sign that something is wrong. No Fine. At the same time, the expert clarified that if such a situation occurs, then it is known that there is inflammation which “prepare” the intestines. This will inevitably affect lymphatic pathway, blood pathway and nerve pathway to our brain.

Given this panorama, Verdaguer noted that when someone notices that their stomach is not passing properly, it means that their gases are they’re not okay and has neurological symptoms of brain fog, low energy in the morning and other similar episodes.

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To which, as expected, is added that the individual in question stands up with cold And rigidity. “If lymphocytes are more than 40%, this is reactive virus. If neutrophils are elevated, it may be an acute infection, usually bacterial or possibly fungal,” the specialist noted.

Then they meet monocyteswhich are also inflammatory marker. As Verdaguer argued, if they are high, then this is a priority.”be safe“Finally, there are eosinophils and vasophils, which indicate if you have parasitic infections or allergies.

With all this, it is worth noting that people who they don’t go to the bathroom when they wake upbut they do it at noon or in the afternoon, usually they They tend to get tired, itchy between meals and are very prone to digestive problems..

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