This double round system is the most decisive election in France’s recent history.

Marine Le Pen could win a majority in the Chamber and form a government

This Sunday, France faces the country’s most decisive election in decades. Some 49.5 million French Elect the representatives that make up the Assembly in elections, although the stakes are high: for the first time in history, the extreme right-wing party Marine Le Pen Can get majority in the Chamber and form the government.

What voting is happening this Sunday?

577 representatives are electedone per constituency. A party or faction needs 289 representatives to obtain an absolute majority in the Assembly. So far, Macron’s faction was the first force, but without a majority. In France, voting takes place every five years in two separate elections: the presidential elections, where the president is elected, and the legislative elections, which take place right after, and where the composition of the parliament is chosen. The government is formed based on the political majority that emerges here.

Why have the elections been postponed?

The legislative elections should have been held in 2027 like the presidential elections, but Emmanuel Macron Following the victory of the far right in the European elections on 9 June it was decided to dissolve the Assembly and go ahead with elections. Jordan BerdellaThe candidate from Marine Le Pen’s party won 32% support in the election, double that of the Macronist candidate. Macron said he could not remain deaf to the verdict of the elections.

What are the blocks in the Assembly?

It is divided into three irreconcilable blocks. On the one hand, there are the self-proclaimed liberal forces in the center: Macron’s party and its allies (MoDem and Horizons). On the other, there is the far-right bloc led by Marine Le Pen’s party (National Regroupment) and a part of the Republicans that has joined it. This formation of the traditional right (sister of the PP in Spain) did not want to join it until now. Your president, Eric Ciottidecided to do so and the party’s support was split.

At the other end of the parliamentary spectrum are left-wing groups. They are represented in these elections jointly by the name of the New Popular Front. It is made up of socialists, environmentalists, communists and the leadership of the France Insoumisa party Jean-Luc Mélenchon. It is Mélenchon’s presence that has caused divisions within the bloc because of his controversial positions. He has been accused of anti-Semitism.

Why are these elections so important?

He is considered the most decisive leader since 1945for the first time since World War II, as a far-right party has come to power. This will happen if Le Pen wins an absolute majority (289 seats) in the election.

What do opinion polls say?

In this first round of polling, Le Pen gets a majority with around 36% support. The seat estimate would be between 225 and 265. It would be close to that majority, but it would not be near it in this first round. The left bloc would get 29% support, and Macron 20.5%. It would be a blow to the president.

How does voting work?

Voting in France takes place in two rounds. The first is celebrated this Sunday, and the next, the last, is celebrated next Sunday. The electoral system is complex. To be directly elected in the first round you must have at least 50% of the votes cast and at least 25% of the votes registered in the census. Getting that much support is very difficult, and in 2022 only five representatives won their seats in the first round.

Therefore, as a general rule, two candidates advance to the second round: have at least 12.5% ​​of the votes Three or more candidates may qualify if they exceed this number of endorsements; there were eight cases across all constituencies in 2022. This is particularly the case when there is high participation, as is expected to be the case.

What happens in the second round?

The person with the most votes is elected deputy. Usually, candidates who are eliminated in the first round order a second round of voting, choosing one of the two finalists, even if it is not their political color. For example, the far-left bloc has already announced it will seek support for any candidate unless Le Pen’s party wins.

What are the times?

Voting centers open at eight and close at 6:00 p.m., except in big cities like Paris, where voting lasts until 8:00 p.m. At that time the National Assembly will know the vote estimates and projections.

What happens if a faction other than Macron’s wins?

This is what opinion polls predict. Macron must form a new government that reflects the verdict of the elections. For example, if Le Pen wins an absolute majority, he must appoint a prime minister from this party. You will enter a period called the cohabitation period.: When the president is of a different political color than the government. For example, this happened between 1997 and 2002 Jacques Chirac As president and socialist Lionel Jospin As Prime Minister.

If no block obtains an absolute majority, Parliament will be paralysedSince the parties are so opposed it is difficult for them to support each other to approve laws. For this reason, Jordan Bardella, who is running for prime minister but not running as deputy, has said he will only govern if he wins an absolute majority.


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