This is a mammoth that could help resurrect its species.

Remnants of DNA from extinct creatures (including some members of the human race) have allowed us to get to know them better and to fantasize about the idea of ​​resurrecting extinct species. However, as we discuss in this chapter, This is not the end of the world eitherit’s not something that’s easy or cheap. Several millionaires, like Paris Hilton, have invested in companies to resurrect extinction. But now a unique achievement has just been unveiled: fossilized mammoth chromosomes frozen in optimal condition.

  • New: The international team with Spanish participation achieved Reconstruct 3D DNA chromosomes from a female woolly mammoth. The specimen, found in Siberian permafrost in 2018, is 52,000 years old, and it’s only now that they’ve used a revolutionary technique to extract genetic information from such ancient creatures.
  • Because it is important: As its authors published in cell“They are a game changer because knowing the shape of an organism’s chromosomes allows collect the whole sequence DNA of extinct creatures and obtain information that was previously impossible.”

Are we any closer to resurrecting or reviving frozen mammoths?

The case of the frozen Siberian mammoth is a bit special. As MNCN-CSIC scientist Juan Cantalapiedra at SMC Spain explains, “the miracle is due to the fact that the organic material froze very quickly in conditions of very low humidity.” In fact, one of the study’s authors, Olga Dudchenko (Baylor College of Medicine, USA), believes that the remains of the frozen mammoth “ lyophilized spontaneously shortly after death,” similar to what happens with dry milk.

For those who dream of using fossil DNA for resurrect Extinct species“It’s a fascinating discovery.” Having the complete DNA sequence of an extinct organism (something that is only available for very recent specimens) “is useless unless we know in detail how that DNA is organized into chromosomes.”

  • Jurassic Park is not possible: The lack of DNA packaged into chromosomes is one of the problems that makes this impossible today. production dinosaur from fossil genetic remains. “His resurrection “It will remain pure science fiction” despite progress on the hanging mammoth issue.

How can the presence of fossil chromosomes (really) be useful?

Carles Lalueza-Fox, an ancient DNA specialist at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Barcelona, ​​explains that the experimental approach “It’s really exciting.”This method could provide data on the genomic architecture of extinct, frozen species like this mammoth.

“It is not yet known how much species may be susceptible If we analyze it this way, it is quite possible that they can only be found in climatic conditions. very cold”.

company Colossal has been announcing for some time now that mammoths will be created by the end of the decade. Three of the authors of this study are collaborators with the company. But it would be more about elephants genetically modified to look like woolly mammoths, something similar to what they want to do with the extinct dodo.

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