This is how long it takes the liver to recover from the last sip of alcohol.

The liver is one of the organs most affected by alcohol consumption, as it metabolizes 90% of the body’s ingestion through cells called hepatocytes, where the alcohol is, so to speak, “oxidized” into acetaldehydea substance that is considered the main culprit in the harmful effects of alcohol, according to the Spanish Digestive System Foundation.

According to this organism, the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver can cause three evolutionary syndromes: fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. Therefore, stopping alcohol abuse should be taken seriously. “The small reduction in health harm that might be expected from moderate or low consumption is outweighed by the increased risk of serious diseases such as cancer,” the Foundation warned in 2018.

In fact, when this organ stops consuming it can heal and regenerate. In particular, he said, people with fatty liver disease can “return to looking and functioning as if they were new” two or three weeks after stopping drinking. Country.

“People with liver inflammation or mild scarring show a noticeable reduction in liver fat, inflammation and scarring even seven days after quitting alcohol,” the aforementioned newspaper adds.

In addition to improving liver health, reducing or quitting alcohol consumption can lead to benefits in many other aspectsfrom sleep quality to brain function, including reducing the risk of other diseases.

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