This is XEC, a new variant of covid: main symptoms

Although they don’t talk about it much anymore, COVID-19 didn’t disappear. It is still among us and we must be careful if we do not want to become infected. And now there’s a new, stronger variant, with cases reported all over the world. Now it is spreading quite quickly throughout Europe. and there are already doctors who warn that it could soon become the dominant strain of the virus. We tell you the details.

It’s about HEC and that was it first recorded last June in Germany. The number of cases has increased to 1,115 in 29 different countries, including Spain.


The truth is that it is a combination of KS.1.1 and KP.3.3 and provokes similar symptoms those who suffer from common illnesses such as flu and colds.

Among them are ffever, cough, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, fatigue, body aches, head and throat pain. In addition, we may also experience loss of taste and smell, two symptoms that have already spread significantly throughout the population during the pandemic.

Headache | Pexels

Typically, most patients They require very little time to recover. However, other people may require a longer period of time or even require hospitalization.


According to some experts, XEC is an ideal candidate for the role dominant strain this winter. Therefore, faced with this situation, we insist on follow basic preventive measures: Ventilate indoor areas, wash your hands often, cover your cough or sneeze, and wear a mask if you have any symptoms.


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