This is Zaragoza’s bike path, with more than one million visitors a year.

Almost 1.3 million people passed through the intersection of Goya Avenue and Paseo Fernando el Catolico. V Zaragoza, installed on their bikes or personal mobility vehicles (PMVs) since March last year. The data, filled with the symbolism of exceeding the magic figure of one million, also highlights the use of these alternatives to the car, public transport or walking to get around the capital of Aragon. a city with about 130 kilometers of bike paths and few difficult slopes, although traffic jams and weather are sometimes not the best allies for riding on two wheels.

Specifically, 1,298,763 people chose these modes of transport and that the fixed measurement point that allowedZaragoza City Councilat the end of February last year, registered since then. This was done using a so-called permanent measuring station, which measures bicycles and VMPs using automatic counting cameras 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. However, the actual 1.3 million reported uses will be higher because the data does not include some dates. Specificthere are no records for the current month, the first five days of May 2023 and the last five days of April last year.

Despite small gaps, this tool allows Zaragoza for the first time to obtain such accurate and continuous traffic data for this type of vehicle. So, while waiting for months to pass to get more data, it is now possible to make a direct and completely reliable comparison, without the need for estimates, between March 2023 and 2024. There is a slight decrease in the number of users compared to last year, as 102,670 users made the transition. while in March this year the accumulation was 97,732. That is 4938 less.

The data collected by the permanent post also allows us to approach other questions, such as the number of drivers registered in 2023 and so far this year. In this regard, the table contains 929,545 uses from February 27 to December 31 last year, and already in 2024. Cameras have captured someone riding a bike or VMP through this confluence 369,218 times.

And it is much more, because although the figures obtained at this intersection are very representative for the analysis of this type of mobility in the capital of Aragon, the council offers more options for the approach to the use of bicycles and VMP. With their help, the Zaragoza en Bici platform has created a capacity of bike paths that shows average usage on weekdays, with the exception of August. In this study, the Fernando el Catolico bike path stands out as the most used, with an average of 3,580 people using it per day.

According to the same study, it is followed by the one registered on Goya Avenue, next to the Church of the Heart of Mary, with 2,048 users. The same road, around the Goya Institute and Plaza Aragon, reaches 1915 each. Also in the university environment Franco and Lopez streets (1893), Corona de Aragon and San Juan de la Cruz, both with 1,821 users, are still on this list.because it closes, very far from these figures, the Iberica route in the Casablanca area, with an average of 451 users.

In total, Zaragoza en Beach explores 13 sites, all on the right bank of the Ebro. In addition to those already shown, this work also takes into account the cycle path on San Juan Bosco street with average intensity on a weekday. out of 1507 users; walk of Isabella la Catolica (1409); Valencia Avenue (1174); Paseo Constitución (1144) and Via Universitas (938).

A new plan that is already bearing fruit

This capacity, prepared by the cycling platform, is based on data provided by the council, whose new plan for collecting information on bicycles and VMP, coming into force from January last year, proposes three types of measures: the above-mentioned permanent capacity at the Fernando el Catolico intersection and Goya; 34 points of the city, in which seven days of the week and a quarter are measured in 24 hours; and finally 18 locations where they are counted for a full day of each quarter. The latter case also allows us to distinguish between bicycles and VMPs, which is an advantage when analyzing different uses.

According to this part of the plan, the data Maria Agustin’s walk, where the average daily rate of people traveling by VMP is higher than that of those who choose to bike. In the first case, it reaches an average of 1450.5 users per day, compared to 1217 who chose the bicycle. This point is also the one that shows the highest daily average of the 18 people analyzed, 2,665 people.

VMP also wins for bikes at the intersection Las Torres road and walk along Sagasta, with an average daily number of users of 763.25 in the first case and 751.25 in the second. The same thing happens in Paseo Cuellar (684 versus 638.75); the intersection of Las Torres Road and Tenor Fleta Avenue (891 VMP with an average of 724.25 bicycles) and Pablo Gargallo Avenue with Francia Avenue (45 and 42.25).

On the other hand, the confluence of the Coso River and Espartero Street is where the average daily number of bicycles is the highest (1,468). In this location, by the way, the VMP also shows a significant figure of 1,173, and the total average daily number of vehicles, amounting to 2,641 vehicles, is the second highest of the 18 points analyzed in this type of municipal plan indicator. Nearby are the Santiago Bridge, with an average daily footfall of 2,011.75, as well as the Santiago Bridge. Plaza de España, already below two thousand, since the figure remains at 1953 VMP, and bicycles are considered an average per day. Very far away are the vehicles with a score of 87.25, registered at the intersection of Pablo Gargallo and Francia avenues, which is by far the point with the lowest total data.

Next is the bicycle lane on Avenida Salvador Allende, with an average daily traffic of 138.75 bicycles and 108 VMPs, for a total of 246.75. A little more, 305.5, the intersection of Asalto and Jorge Cocci streets, where the average number of bicycles per day is 160.25 and personal vehicles 145.25. Somewhat higher is Ronda de Boltagna, where an average of 367.5 uses per day is recorded and a large difference between bicycles (288.25) and VMP (79.25).

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