This makeup look transforms into Taylor Swift, Harry Styles or Leonardo DiCaprio thanks to contouring.

With her son @makeupbyevelin, Evelyn Costa transforms herself thanks to her makeup and takes on the features of different people.

Sur les réseaux sociaux, les maquilleurs peuvent s’amuser et laisser libre draws inspiration. Of course, this means releasing incredible transformations. In North West’s image is a girl named Kim Kardashian, who displays her work on TikTok, which she shares with her mother. On Instagram, Evelyn Costa decided to find out the personality traits of celebrities using makeup. In which there are strikes with tongs and crayons, elle devient ainsi, plus or more successes, Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish or Leonardo DiCaprio for an encore.

Contouring, perruks and colored lenses

The young woman is passionate about the art of contouring to create ombre zones and highlight the personality traits she chooses to embody. She does not think about transformation in her details and the use of various devices: perruques, colored lentils…

The girl publishes videos showing different stages of her metamorphosis. For the cell that died from Taylor Swift, she amused me, distracting the process from the reverse effect. But you will remove makeup, remove fur and measure your face.

While some results are impressive, others may show very interesting results. The image of the work is given to the actorEuphoria and etc. Saltburn, Jacob Elordi. In the comments in some lines: “Jacob Elordi de Temu”, faisant référence au site chinois de produits bas de gamme, “Après quelques verres, ce sera Jaco Elordi”, “Tu ressembles à un Sims de Jacob Elordi”.

For a time, the young woman wants her to find a good name in the world. More than 1.5 million people watch his videos on TikTok. It remains to find out what the personal request will be for the laquel-la-maquille jet of the son of the devolu.

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