This Movistar app helped me discover this.

When Wi-Fi connection our home does not work as we expected, in many cases we tend to look for the reason in router behavior. However, this is not always the case. This Movistar app can help you find it.

How more devices They require a Wi-Fi connection to work, so having a good connection has become essential. When it starts to fail, it is common to think that it is due to some kind of router malfunction or that our ISP is not providing us with the speed we contracted for. However, these are not the only reasons that can cause our connection is slower than it should.

The layout of the house can be crucial for losing the Wi-Fi signal in very specific places. Even if we do not have a house with enough square meters. Fortunately, Movistar customers have an exclusive application where they can see all the information related to the Wi-Fi power in each room of their home: Smart Wi-Fi app.

Movistar Smart Wi-Fi

Movistar Smart Wi-Fi

Measure the quality of your Wi-Fi coverage

With the Smart WiFi app we will be able to measure the quality of our network coverage. To do this, all we have to do is open the app and select the “Coverage Map” function, which we will find among the various options it offers us. Once inside the map, we must click on “New Measurement” and select each of the rooms we want to measure.

We recommend that you focus on the rooms where you typically need Connect Wi-Fi regularly. Whether you can enjoy your favorite streaming apps or work from the room you use as an office.

Once you have taken all the measurements, a list will appear with all the rooms in the house and the corresponding coverage levels in each of them. In addition, in cases where the quality is not optimal, There will also be a number of tips that will allow us to improve the quality of the experience.

Levels are too low

In those cases when Wi-Fi signal too low, this may be due to the many architectural barriers between the router installation and the room itself. It may also be because the two rooms are very far apart, and router signal not powerful enough to cover all the measures that distinguish them.

Once you have clearly defined your home coverage map, the second step is to assess your router combination with Smart WiFi booster to ensure maximum coverage of your network. possible angles of your house. Although 100% of its extension cannot always be guaranteed to be achieved due to the large number of elements that can interfere with the power of our connection, with this information and the possibility of combining the installation with amplifier We will have everything we need to avoid any problems in our network.

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