“Tips for adequate sun protection for children”, new online campaign by Aemps

The arrival of summer and rising temperatures means take extreme precautions against the sun both minors and adults, although this time Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (Aemps) has set its target on children. To prevent the harm caused to children by sun exposure, the organization launched a campaign. “Tips for Adequate Sun Protection for Children”in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and the 2030 Agenda and the Piel Sana Foundation of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV).

This campaign is repeated every year and this year its target is the child population. The aim of Aemps is to prevent damage caused by exposure to the sun’s rays, such as burns, spots, sun allergies, phototoxic reactions, eye injuries, photoaging in the long term or an increase in morbidity skin cancer.

The first thing the organization notes is to protect through Bandage. For this, Aemps recommends using a cap or hat and sunglasses; long-sleeved clothing for UV protection; and sunscreen which will always be used in a complementary way. Clothing is a necessary complement to protect children from radiation on beaches and in swimming pools, where the sun penetrates directly into the skin.

When it comes to using sunscreen, the agency gives four keys to choosing and using sunscreen correctly. The important thing is that they are specifically designed for children; that they have high or very high protection against UVA and UVB radiation; always observe the expiration date; and reapply when necessary.

“Children under 3 years of age should avoid direct and prolonged exposure to the sun.”

It’s also important to remember that “children under 3 years of age should avoid direct and prolonged sun exposure,” the organization notes. Here’s why it’s important protect babies from radiation sunny throughout the year, consider activities that may expose them to the sun more often and avoid extreme conditions and the middle of the day.

Finally, Aemps also remembers what the existing protection factors are and how to determine some glasses have or do not have a high degree of protectionFor its part, the organization, independent of awareness-raising initiatives like this one, “continuously develops various market control and cosmetic surveillance activities to ensure that sunscreens meet quality, safety and efficacy requirements and provide the right information,” he said in a press release.

“On the other hand, the Agency concentrates its resources and efforts on adapting the legal framework to the development of scientific and technical knowledge, which makes it possible, among other things, to have a reliable measurement method for determining Sun Protection Factor (SPF) with less variability than shown in the current standard, which strengthens the confidence of citizens and the industry in solar products and in government decision-making,” he concludes.

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