To The Moon – Is It Really a Story? The Conspiracy Theory That Inspired the Movie

All space films that feature characters and events that serve as a guide to the world are legitimate if they require certain elements. To the moon They are based on historical history.

Greg Berlanti’s new film starring Kelly Jones, a marketing expert (played by Scarlett Johansson), is glamorized by NASA. It is objectively a redorer of the image of the space agency over American public space, and it also wants to get interest in the space course.

She organizes conventions and events and suggests that communication be dispersed in a forward direction. For an alternative to Moe (Woody Harrelson), see “All People Plus the Lower Back.” To the moon (OU Fly with me to the moon (on VO).

He was a suede that Kelly took off a fake animator, or if someone chose a tour that was wrong with a lie. But in reality, all this is not a man, so I go to each of the different images.

“To the Moon” is not based on a true story.

Good that To the moon Use course elements in space, learn about it The marketing coup of the fake alunissage does not pass into historical history.

Screenwriter Rose Gilroy stated this. Wrapper : “This is Scarlett and her business’s original idea.”

“I thought that every day I was getting closer to the genuine admiration of being able to follow the journey and to NASA. The point of view of the scene is never interesting in revealing or clarifying what was chosen.

All that matters with plots is that they are added for fun and entertainment, and are also used to track the reality of success. “

The Famous Plot Theory That Inspired the Film

To the moon This was inspired by a conspiracy theory based on NASA’s Alunissage simulations. and this is not a scene with images of the premiere pas-sur-la-lune.

landing of the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969.

The theory is based on the idea that the “unity states” are evasively publishing the battle for the Soviet Union, as well as its rival in space. Pour “gagner”, ils auraient trqué les images de l’unissage et les auraient diffusées like les étaient en Direct. For example, some argue that the American drapery floating in the air in the video, ce qui ne serait pas possible puisqu’il n’y a (pour usually say) pas d’atmospherère sur la lune, and, therefore, pas de vent.

In the case of the drapery, NASA also carried out horizontal cleaning of the drapery to create the impression that it was floating.

Producer Greg Berlanti said the film has been used in the past. “A party of courage and bravery.”

“Even though I chose, (they) probably do more than just keep it. What better way to show off than to hold the premiere of one of these (theories), like one of the original theories? »

Subordinate, To the moon the use of certain legitimate facts of the course in space, as a fact that was my work at NASA in the era when it was in the shadows. “A big part of the spirit of the scene is a place of exploration.”added Berlanti.

I filmed it To the moon It will be available in stores after July 10, 2024.. You can also check out our selection of the best movies to watch in streaming mode here.

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