Treasury transfers to public railway companies cut by 60% in the first four months of 2024

Train accident yesterday on the San Martin line near Palermo (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Collision of a structure with passengers and a locomotive san martin line yesterday in Palermo, with the remaining 60 injured, he explained Continued low investment in rail system By argentina trainsA company that operates under the orbit of the Ministry of Economy operating today Louis Caputo. director louis adrian lukeFormer councilor of Frente Renovador San Miguel, The company operating passenger trains in the country remained without authorization for two months due to delays. xavier miley In appointing a replacement for Martin Marinucciare also members of the party founded by sergio massa, Since January 2002, Luke has served as Manager of Legal Affairs State Society of Railway Operating Companies (SOFSE)Which controls Trench Argentino.

The adjustments imposed upon the arrival of the independentist in the Casa Rosada did not escape the funds allocated by the State for railway operations, and included Dismissal of approximately 20% of its employees and inauguration of voluntary withdrawal Company.

Various railway sources acknowledged human error on the part of an assistant at Palermo station, who freed a section of track for a passenger train coming from Retiro. However, they explain the cause of the accident Lack of repair of rolling stock, absence of basic safety controls and lack of adequate maintenance of infrastructure, was added to Systematic theft of cables causing visual signals to stop working which guides the drivers, and leaves the San Martín Line with a manual authorization system for track use, requiring assistants and radio messages with the driver to inform when the track is free.

The main treasury contribution program for the operation of trains is Financial assistance to railway sector companiesthat it got A 60% reduction in the first quarter of this year compared to 2023According to the budget analysis conducted by the NGO’s tax jurisdiction Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ).

Analysis of the numbers shows that transfers took place in five state railway companies in the first four months of 2024. $181,720 million At May prices (taking into account inflation from January to April). This amount is 59% less than the same period in 2023. when he was transferred $444,336 million, according to ACIJ analysis. This number is generated when considering inflation for the four months to 2024, with a REM value of 9% for April and the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) for 2023 updated month-on-month.

Which company made the biggest cut in the first quarter of 2024 Railway Infrastructure Administration (ADIFSE), 92%, While it received $2,982 million in the first quarter of 2024, it received $39,162 million in the same period a year earlier at prices adjusted for inflation. It is the company that deals with the maintenance, renovation, infrastructure and management of the train circulation control system.

With 658 employees, in 2023, ADIFSE had operating income of $1,769 million and expenses of $8,098 million, so it had a negative financial result of $12,674 million. To cope with this, it also needed state subsidies to meet its investment requirements for electrification of railway lines, civil works, signaling and track renewal. In 2023 it received transfers from the Treasury – current and capital – of $116,384 million. Today he is presiding marcelo krazelmanclose to a lawyer Florencio Randazzoformer interior minister Christina KirchnerWho once took charge of the revival of trains after the tragedy.

Aerial view of rescue operations at the site of a train crash in Palermo (Reuters/Agustín Markarian)

The company ranks second in terms of the amount of deductions Development of Human Capital Railways SATrenes dedicated to the management of human resources in Argentina, with a 67% less The number of treasury transfers in the first months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Next in shape of adjustment in libertarian administration SOFSEwith 56% reduction, It is the company that has the largest number of employees, 23,743, and it must guarantee the operation of the passenger lines. Its negative outcome in 2023 was $47,310 million. For this year, treasury transfers of $336 billion are planned, but only 40% of this amount was executed.

then it appears Argentine Railway State Society With a 53% adjustment in the first four months of the year compared to 2023.

At the end, Belgrano Cargo and Logistics record A 52% Cut in the first quarter. This last company, whose business name is Trenes Argentinos Cargos, was created in 2013 with the aim of providing service, operation and logistics of freight trains. With 4,642 employees, it had a negative financial result of $29,493 million, and planned transfers of $34,200 million from the Treasury this year.

Both SOFSE and Belgrano Cargas were included among the companies in Annex I of the Base Law, subject to privatization, with a concessional option.

San Martin’s manager today Hernan Alberto Tuppoand is in charge of controlling the operation of the line National Transport Commission (CNRT)in which miley’s name is edgar perez, former secretary of transportation in Córdoba. A budget of $2,173 million was planned for 2024 by CNRT for railway control, the same as for 2023 after last year’s budget was increased. It expanded to $3,092 million, up 139%, well below annual inflation.

IDB loan announced for electrification of the San Martín train line in 2017

In August 2017, during the administration of Mauricio Macri, it was announced that the IDB was going to finance a task 400 million usd For the “improvement” of the San Martín Railway, with readjustment, signaling and electrification works between Retiro and Pilar, the line on which the accident occurred yesterday.

The total amount of the project was originally US$522 million and a local contribution of US$122 million was planned. However, the tender was delayed without being finalized. Following the last amendment in 2022, the opening of bids scheduled for December 2022 was postponed to January 15, 2023. However, one year and four months later, the award has yet to be finalized. Despite having international financing, it remained to support With public engagements on hold, Miley’s management extended her award for another 90 days.

The final opening of bids for the electrification and renovation of San Martín was to take place in early 2023.

Visualization: Daniela Ziebner

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