Trop de fonds verts from Marvel? The actress balances the curtains

In addition to box office success, the MCU is also the queen of vert. Whether it was in The Avengers, Spider-Man or Iron Man, CGI is the most important thing in Marvel films. Pew trope? The actress who spoke out on this issue.

Par fainéantise artique and volonté de reduire au plus bas les budgets (souvenir reserves for XXL actors’ salaries), superhero films made from my hands, and my tournaments decorated with real sets with practical effects. On the contrary, these terrible verts and CGI are superior to what is produced by the norm in this medium, but we offer terrible visual results.

Does Elizabeth Olsen like vert?

Speaking of green funds, Elizabeth Olsen – many regulars training with Wanda’s son in the Cotes du MCU (Avengers, Doctor Strange 2, WandaVision), this is simply confidential information about the subject. Auprès du Hollywood Reporter, sister Mary-Kate and Ashley admitted that they did not hold back at the party, which was preferable to their son.

Vous devez vraiment suggests a weak point of view Où vous avez de nouveau l’impression d’etre ce gamin de 7 ans qui joue à faire semblant“, soufflé la star. Un exercice tellement ridicule et compliqué, bien différent encore du theatre, qu’il souffrirait, selon elle, d’un manque de reconnaissance.”

Je crois vraiment qu’à un momento donné, ils devraient sortir is an integrated version of one of these films, without any special effects from them.“said Elizabeth Olsen. L’interet?”From this image Les gens verraient à quel point c’est compliqué de jouer these scenes“.


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