Typical breakfast of Spanish houses, which impairs memory

He breakfast one of products the most important moments of the day and, although more and more doctors and nutritionists recommend a break at a minimum 12 hours between dinner and breakfastIt is still important to eat this first meal correctly to reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, a pathology that occurs when the same person has at least three of the following requirements: obesity, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes. .

Do we have a good breakfast in Spain?

In many homes, classics are chosen. toast with butter and jamcroissant, industrial bun or a bowl of cereal. However, numerous studies have confirmed the harmful effects of this type of food. One such study, which followed 10,000 Australian women over 15 years, found that those who ate more ultra-processed foods in their diets were 39% more likely to develop high blood pressure.

Experts remember that ultra-processed These are products that have gone through many processes during preparation. “They are industrially prepared and contain additives such as colors, flavors, emulsifiers and preservatives, and break down whole foods into substances including oils, sugars and starches,” explains the team of cardiologists at Mayo Clinic Healthcare.

As for baking, it significantly increases the level cholesterol low-density lipoprotein (LDL) – bad cholesterol – which accumulates in the arterial wall.

A cholesterol test is used to determine the risk of fatty deposits (plaque) forming in the arteries.

Trans fats and memory

Another study from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine confirmed that Trans fats make a reduction memory operation. These types of fats, responsible for “bad” cholesterol, are produced by introducing hydrogen into vegetable oils, and we find them in classic breakfast foods such as bread, industrial baking, margarines or cookie.

In addition to memory impairment, experts explain that trans fats also increase inflammation and interfere with hormone production, increasing the risk of depression, as demonstrated by researchers from the University of Navarra and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The authors of the article published in Plos Onefound that people with high intakes of trans and saturated fats had a 48% higher risk of developing depression than those who did not consume it.


What to cook for breakfast

Nutritionists believe that eating a balanced and varied breakfast is associated with greater daily nutrient intake, better adherence to nutritional recommendations, and higher overall diet quality due to inclusion lactic, fruits And whole grainsand the fourth group, complementing the others, will provide us with greater variety and balance of nutrients.

In addition to complex carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, it is worth emphasizing the importance of certain amino acids, such as tryptophan and tyrosine, found in protein-rich foods for cognitive function and school performance.

Spanish Nutrition Foundation FEN

Breakfast with oat milk

Tryptophan Products

Eating a balanced, varied breakfast rich in amino acids such as tryptophan or tyrosine has important benefits for cognitive function and performance.

He tryptophanpresent in foods such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soybeans, dairy products, chicken and turkey, fish and eggs, among others, promotes the synthesis serotonin this is the so-calledhappiness hormone» is associated with the regulation of appetite, and its decrease is associated with memory loss, depression, melancholy, lack of sleep and sadness; and from melatoninassociated with the circadian rhythm and sleep, is the key to quality rest, which in turn is necessary for achieving optimal performance throughout the day.

tyrosine, from my side, It plays an important role in the production of neurotransmitters, proteins and hormones. It is present in meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts and whole grains.

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