Ukraine dismantled a subversive group that wanted to stage a violent coup to overthrow Zelensky

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) today announced the elimination of a subversive group had called a public event in the capital with the aim of overthrowing the Ukrainian civil and military authorities and seizing the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) building. According to the SBU, an unknown number of people have been arrested for their involvement in the plot.

“According to the investigation, in May and June 2024 a group of people distributed messages on social networks defaming the current leadership of the state, calling for a change of the constitutional order and the seizure of power in Ukraine,” said a statement from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, which also reported the dismantling of the group.

According to the prosecutor’s office, The group’s leaders had called for various public events for June 30, when Ukraine celebrates Constitution Day.The organisers did not disclose their coup intentions in the call.

Apart from taking over parliament, the idea of ​​these alleged subversives was to elect a new “interim government” at these public events.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the main organizer of the event is the leader of an organization that “has experience of participating in provocative acts that have not yielded results.” The prosecutor’s office does not provide further details about the identity of this person or the organization he leads.

“He had rented a room with a capacity of two thousand people and also sought military personnel and armed guards from private structures to seize power,” the prosecutor’s office says of how it framed the alleged attempt.

According to this source, the organiser had associates in the regions of Dnipropetrovsk (centre) and Kyiv and had unsuccessfully tried to attract an NGO from the region of Ivano-Frankivsk (west) for the preparations.

Four people are being investigated in Ivano-Frankivsk for distributing materials with appeals The constitutional order in Ukraine was violently overthrown. According to the prosecutor’s office, two of them have been preventively deprived of liberty.

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