Valencia’s strong statement after Nou Mestalla left out of 2030 World Cup venues

Valencia expressed through statementhis great dissatisfaction with the fact that he did not choose Nou Mestalla as one of eleven headquarters in Spain host the 2030 FIFA World Cup.

This is what the Turia club said in a text that can be read on its website: “Valencia regrets the message made by the RFEF. excluding Valencia and Nou Mestalla as a venue for the next FIFA World Cup in 2030.”

“This news leaves to the third capital of Spain without one of the most important football events, after Valencia has provided ample evidence in recent years of its ability to host this type of competition,” he insists.

And he continues: “The measure, taken after the club announced its acceptance of the conditions on June 28, is surprising. Especially after it received permissionlicense for the construction of Nou Mestallawhich assumes that the work will be completed within a timeframe that more than meets FIFA’s requirements for bids to host the World Cup.”

“Valencia is standing up for the public authorities to show any organisation that Nou Mestalla will be reality over time and that a sports facility of this level should not be excluded from a tournament that prides itself on being with the best conditions in the country”– explains the statement.

In conclusion he says the following: “We wish that the decision is not final and be reviewed so that such a great injustice is not committed against a city that has always been associated with top-level sport and is recognised throughout the world for its successful organisation of competitions.”

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