Video: Xavier Miley’s response to left-wing protesters in the United States

Xavier Miley responds to far-left protesters in the United States

chairman Xavier Miley It is found in the USAWhere this Wednesday he gave a 50-minute presentation at the Hoover Institute Stanford University About this Capitalism, the regulation of monopolies and their impact on economic development. There, in front of a group of students, he assured that Economy Minister Luis Caputo had “carried out the greatest adjustment in the history of humanity.”

However, there was a crossroads outside the prestigious academic establishment, as two men who had expressed themselves in favor of Palestine due to its ongoing conflict with Israel, sang to the nation’s president: “Millie, fascist, we don’t want your visit”. Left-wing protesters held a banner behind the fence and the head of state came up to talk to them.

“Instead of criticizing, why don’t you listen to me?”Miley tried to launch her response in the United States. In addition, the president explained to the protesters that Benito Mussolini was the one who led fascism in Italy and that it had nothing to do with their political views. “Go study, so you don’t say stupid things,” the president reprimanded them, while they kept repeating the same song, and accused them of being fascists.

Likewise, the head of state emphasized that “fascists are socialists, and liberals are the opposite.” Furthermore, he concluded by saying: “Stop defending murderers”. Then, he walked away and the two protesters continued to chant, “Miley, fascist, we don’t want your visit.”

In the opposite direction, while entering the auditorium, the President of the Nation met a group of Argentine students attending Stanford and took some photos with them.

Protesters accused the president of being a “fascist”

In turn, the Argentine President held a meeting with the director of the Hoover Institution and former Secretary of State of the United States. Condoleezza Rice. “His class was a luxury. I hope he can come back,” the academic director declared. For his part, Javier Mieli said: “I come back and teach a class on innovation and economic development.” And he added: “I am waiting for you in Argentina, it will be an honor to welcome you.”

Class given by the head of state Hoover Institution Stanford – the prestigious university that integrates Ivy LeagueEdit– The focus was on his speech before Florida International University (FIU) and a presentation he made before the Conservative Action Political Conference. (CPAC)where he expressed his views on Neoclassical theorymarket failures and Economic impact Monopoly exposed infobae,

There, the President explained: “There is a historical mechanism called price and it works as a form of signal transmission. Agents coordinate, some will be buyers, others will be sellers. And adjustments will take place in the face of market demands and differences. The price system is a mechanism for the transmission of information, coordination and adjustment. This phenomenon begins with the exchange of property rights. Therefore, When the state shows up and intervenes What the state is doing is interfering with property rights. And interfering with property rights adds noise to the signal.”

President Xavier Miley spoke today at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University in San Francisco, United States. (Presidential)

Furthermore, he assured that “the more intervention there is, the more violence and violation of property rights, the worse the signal that is transmitted. At the extreme, in real socialism and private property, there is no value system and the system collapses. So everywhere Where socialism was implemented it was an economic, social and cultural failure. And furthermore, as the violence of politicians increases, they have killed 150 million human beings.”

After her dissertation, Miley will meet with Sundar Pichai, Google CEOAnd timothy cook, Apple CEOproposing Argentina as a technological hub. During these meetings, he will try to reiterate the arguments described before Altman to ensure that the country can become a hub for Artificial Intelligence, in direct competition with Europe, China and the United States.

“This is the path to the country’s development cutting edge technology area This will be essential for our development. Argentina has an opportunity to establish itself as a global leader in advanced technology by taking advantage of a favorable environment for innovation free from restrictive regulations”the president said. He went to a meeting with Altman Louis Caputo, Secretary General of the Presidency, kareena miley; He head of the Economic Advisory Council, Damien Reibel, and ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein,

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