Vincent Cassel, François Civil, Adele Exarchopoulos… good luck to Cedric Doumbe on the side of the stars

Evening by Cedric Doumbe. The previous duel fiasco sees the French MMA fighter take on American Jalil Willis, a Paris Arena salesman for Bellator.

Due to the public achievement, Doumbe, who is a big favorite, is arrested after a robbery in one fight within 3 minutes 33 seconds in the first round. In fact, he can support the NBA’s top rookie Francois Victor Wembanyama, who is also accompanied by Francois Civil, Adele Exarchopoulos and Vincent Cassel, who is accompanied by his companion Nara Baptista.

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Anthony Pettis Defee Cedric Doumbe

“Je voulais vraiment le faire Sleep! “, I still regret the fighter for 31 years. “Je voulais mieux faire et j’aurais target qu’on aille travailler au sol. Cela aurait été une fierté for moi de le Finaliser mais je suis content de nouer avec la victoire. » Doumbé devait absolutely fair oublier sa défaite ubuesque against Baysangur “Baki” Chamsudinov le 7 mars dernier, dejà à Bercy, un revers conceding the reason simple écharde dans le pied.

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He announced a defeated MMA premiere for the old kickboxing champion, who represents an image that can be beautiful, and also that the fight was attended by my friends among the French fans. “J’avais le seum, j’étais déçu, énervé, et vexé à la fois”, at-il commenté. “C’était un sense vraiment vraiment ce qui s’est passé la dernière fois. Je l’ai mal vécu et le fait de retuver la Victory dans Bercy, devant le même public, ça m’a vraiment fait plaisir”, at-il déclaré.

Contrat rempli pour Doumbé, which is the greatest crime in the first moments and which returns confidence in reliability after it strikes.

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Bercy fans, some songs by Victor Wembanyama or Vincent Cassel for the encore, and it doesn’t look like they were in the audience, applause on stage at 10pm. The verbal taunt specialist proves that he can automatically call for an aspirator as he approaches the cage to make sure there is everything in the air that he needs.

French poster about six wins and losses in MMA. He got back on track and broke the chain to continue the fight with Renom’s opponent and the character of Anthony Pettis, a former UFC champion who became the site of the Cage Challenge for Victory.

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