VITAMIN D | Half of Spaniards have a deficit: what to do to solve it

Half of Spaniards have vitamin D deficiency: symptoms and what to eat to avoid itDavid Zorraquino – Europa Press – Archive

Vitamin D It is an essential nutrient for our health.


Not only does it help the body absorb calcium, which is one of the essential nutrients to avoid osteoporosis (a disease that causes low bone density), but it is also essential for muscles and the immune system.

As he explains doctor Oscar TorregrosaPresident of the Valencian Society of Internal Medicine, “this vitamin promotes the intestinal absorption of calcium from the diet, it is necessary for proper bone health, and also maintains low levels of parathyroid hormone, which avoids its negative effects on bones.”

And although some studies believe that it is more of a hormone, since its deficiency is associated with autoimmune, allergic, infectious or oncological diseases, it is clear that “it performs endocrine and systemic functions at the extraosseous level.”

Sylvia Torrentsnutritionist at the HM Nou Delfos hospital in Barcelona, ​​notes that “having insufficient levels is dangerous because we lead to a progressive loss of bone density with consequences of osteoporosis and fractures, especially in people over 65 years of age.” age.”

However, according to various studies, More than 50% of the Spanish population suffers from vitamin D deficiency.. In older people, this percentage reaches an alarming 80%, and in pregnant women – 62%.

Vitamin D is also the key to overcoming autumn asthenia with a healthy lifestyle.

But how can we explain this situation, considering that our country is one of the sunniest countries, with an average of 2500 hours of sunshine per year?

Torrents emphasizes that this is due to “low exposure to sunlight, using filter creams.” ultraviolet radiation and low intake of vitamin D-rich foods.” And also because “skin hyperpigmentation (darker skin color) is also one of the reasons for the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency.”

Why is vitamin D important during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, hypovitaminosis D (deficiency) is associated with both complications in both the mother and the fetus. A deficiency of this vitamin or hormone has been linked to a higher risk of gestational diabetes (which usually appears mid-pregnancy), premature birth and low birth weight, according to some experts.

However, even more important for women’s health is fertile age. “A deficiency makes it difficult for an embryo to implant and contributes to the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, a problem that affects 5% to 10% of women.”

And no less significant in menopausebecause “the right levels prevent cardiovascular problems, breast cancer, obesity and osteoporosis.”

Fresh tuna is high in vitamin D.

How to Achieve Adequate Vitamin D Levels

The simplest solution that comes to everyone’s mind to have optimal vitamin D levels is to sunbathe. This is a habit that experts advise to practice throughout the year, but with caution.

  • “Spending 15 to 30 minutes in the sun is enough, always during hours when solar radiation is not very high, as otherwise you risk developing serious skin problems.”

Therefore, in summer and “if we plan to spend longer in the sun, we should take into account the use of sunscreen to prevent skin cancer.” But now, in autumn and with him winter is just around the corner, sunbathing is recommended between 10 and 12 am.

But this recipe is not for everyone. Doctor Marta Ortegagynecologist at the HM Nou Delfos hospital, emphasizes that for young women “it is enough to expose your face and hands to the sun’s rays for 5-15 minutes a day.”

Women over 70 “should stay longer because skin synthesis is 75% lower.”

You can also use vitamin D supplements if your doctor deems it appropriate, of course. “Take supplements whenever sun exposure is not enough and in patients with cancer, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and other chronic diseases.”

Fish or avocados are foods rich in vitamin D and very nutritious.

And if you follow the recommendations of a professional, you can also use nutritional supplements. But, the nutritionist warns, “this is a fat-soluble vitamin, so if more than necessary enters the body, it is not excreted from the body and remains accumulated in adipose tissue, the storage of which is unfavorable for health.”

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

Increasing your vitamin D levels through food is not an easy task. There are certain foods that we can include in our diet to maintain adequate levels of this nutrient.

  • Cod liver oil.

  • Blue fish (sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon…).

  • Seafood.
  • Eggs.

  • Lactic.
  • Mushrooms.

  • Avocado.

  • Wheat germ.

  • Orange juice.

Besides consuming it, sun exposure is important for good vitamin D levels and preventing health problems.

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